Settling In

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It's been just over 3 years since the snap. Steven James Barnes was growing to be a strong toddler. I didn't see any sign of his father's serum being inherited or my mutation being present. All I could do was pray and wait. Rogers and I had drifted apart after the baby was born. I became angry all the time, and postpartum kicked my butt. I went through a depression, that the only thing that helped was taking care of my son. So as time went on, Steven and I moved out. Rogers wouldn't let us move far, so it was the same building, just a different floor. 

Steven and I were headed to a meeting, one that Rogers was holding to help people cope with the snap. It wasn't that far of a walk, so I gathered a backpack for Steven, making sure he had plenty of toys, and made my way over. Rogers and I hadn't spoken in several months, it was time we did. 

I walked with Steven in my arms, occasionally he'd want down to walk with me, but for the most part he stayed curled up in my arms. He was known for resting his head on my shoulder and snuggling in. He was more cuddly than his dad ever was. We were about halfway there, when he rested his head on my shoulder. I chuckled a little as his dark blonde hair brushed my necked. His hair was turning darker every month, I knew it wouldn't be long before he had his dad's dark brown locks. He already had his dad's smile, that wide grin that curled up perfectly. 

Right now, he was tired. We had played all day at the park and his nap was full of tossing and crying. So, a visit to Uncle Steve always made him feel better. His head on my right shoulder, he brought his right hand up and held onto the dog tags around my neck. He would hold them all the time. 

"Dada," Steven had said, as his fingers wrapped around the dog tag with James' name on it. 

"Yup," I smiled to him, "That's Daddy's." I hefted him a little higher, so that he sat on my hip better.

"Mum," he wrapped his hands around the tag with my name on it. 

"That's right, love." I hummed as we continued our way. 

We made good time, and everyone was still arriving for the meeting. There weren't that many there, only about ten people. The school auditorium was quiet, as everyone gathered in the hall. I walked into the hallway and saw a few faces I knew from the nearby coffee shop. I smiled at them, as Steven buried his face in my neck. I heard a familiar voice at the doorway to the auditorium and watched as Steven's head shot up. 

"Uca Sefe!" Steven belted out ecstatically, while everyone in the hallway went from a somber greeting to laughter, Steven scrambled from my arms and ran to his Uncle. I laughed softly as I walked behind him. His little legs going as fast as they would carry him, his arms held out as he giggled his way over.

"Hey Bud!" Rogers exclaimed as he knelt down and hoisted him into a bear hug. I could hear Steven giggling as he was airborne for a brief moment. I shook my head silently sighing to myself. His eyes met mine and I gave a tight lipped smile. "Hey." He smiled to me.

"Hey," I smiled back, shifting the backpack on my shoulder. 

"What brings you guys out?" Rogers blew raspberries on Steven's neck and I heard his little giggles escape. 

"Thought you'd like to see your Godson." I smiled as I watched the two of them interact. 

"You aren't wrong." He smiled to me as Steven tried to blow raspberries on Rogers. "We're about to get started, if you wanted to join us."

"Sure," I said softly, "maybe we can grab dinner after?" I watched as Rogers cocked an eyebrow at me, "It's time we catch up." I took a deep breath and made my way over to hug Rogers. "I'm sorry, Steve." I whispered as I gave him a hug. I felt his arms tighten around me as I apologized.

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