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I kissed Steven softly as I hugged him close. Commiting the smell of his hair to memory, as I didn't know how long I would be away. I smiled to Piper and Morgan, as they stood near the porch. 

"Thank you," I met Pipers gaze, "for keeping him safe."

"Always." Piper smiled from me to Steven, "He's a pleasure to have around."

I smiled as I hugged Steven close one more time. "I'll be back for you soon, I promise." 

"I know mama," his voice so certain, "you're saving people." His smile was genuine and I saw the hope in his eyes as we pulled from our hug.

He backed away and stood beside Morgan at the base of the porch. The couple of days away from the compound really helped me leave feeling refreshed and get my head in the game. Pepper helped me clear my head and talk out how to be able to talk to Bucky when it came to it. I felt ready to get my husband back and introduce him to his son. 

I stood at the end of the driveway, examining the stocky gentleman that Pepper said would watch the kids in an emergency. Happy, the name seemed to fit. He was peculiar and rather enjoyable to be around. I gave everyone a short nod and watched as Steven smiled brightly to me. I took a slow breath in, allowing the air to fill my lungs and the fire to wash over me. As the fire engulfed me I jumped as high as I could and felt the fiery wings lift me into the sky. 

I enjoyed the view from the sky as I made my return flight to the compound. It was well into the night when I arrived back to the compound. My feet alighted to the ground and I felt the cool woosh of the breeze that came from across the open field. I looked up at lit window, the outline of a male looking out over the field. I walked slowly toward the building, unable to make out exactly who it was that was watching me. 

I opened the door and casually strolled in, the lights were off and I made my way to the kitchen. A small light in the corner was on and it gave a soft glow in the room. I opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and closed it. I looked around the room, I know I saw someone in here when I landed. I walked to the center of the sitting area, and turned slowly. I saw Tony leaning against the door frame to the hallway.

I nodded toward him and gave a tight smile. "Morgan sent me with something for you." I walked over and handed him the envelope that his daughter entrusted me with. A smile graced his face as he reached for it. Her hand writing in crayon on the front, with "Dad" written in bright red. 

"Thank you," Tony tapped the envelope against his opposing hand.

"Are we all set for tomorrow?" I cracked the bottle of water open and took a long draw.

"We are," Tony said, a look of confliction on his face.

"And?" I urged him to continue.

"We'd like to ask you to stay behind." Steve came out of the hallway. His shirt was wet, like he just came from a workout. 

"Ok." I said plainly.

"Ok?" Tony asked, almost stunned.

"Ya," I spoke lightly, "it's fine." I took another drink from my bottle.

"We could use you at the controls though." Tony continued, "Someone that can make sure we don't get stuck."

"It makes sense, honestly." I capped my water bottle, "I was hidden away for so long, I doubt you'd be going to a time I was out of captivity." 

Tony and Steve shared a surprised look. Either they didn't think of that or they were surprised I was taking it so well. I moved to walk beyond them into the hallway.

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