We're Doing This

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After Steven had left with Pepper and Morgan, I set about making myself useful. I wasn't a genius, by any means, but I took direction well. I was hard at work, welding a few pieces together when Tony came to check on the progress.

"Looks good." Tony spoke from the edge of the work area.

"Thanks." I looked his way, "The welder cut out about halfway through." I pointed to the machine in the corner now. "So, I improvised." Igniting the flame in my hand and constricting it down to the size needed for welding the 2 pieces of metal together. 

I heard Tony chuckle from his spot and I heard familiar footsteps come thudding over.

"I'm going to raid the fridge for food." Bruce announced, as an invitation for anyone to join him.

"Give me 5 minutes and I can make us some lunch." I spoke up without turning my head.

"How about, if we finish welding and you can make lunch sooner?" 

I paused and look toward the two men, which was now four smiling at me. "Are you guys really that helpless?" I was hunched over two large pieces of metal, I had stopped the flame in my hand and waited for a response.



"You don't want me making food."

"No that'd be bad."

"I heard she can cook really well."

"She can, it's delicious."

"Alright! Alright, I'll go make lunch!" I stopped completely and walked away.

"Wait?" Scott hollered, "Where's the welder?" 

"In the corner." I pointed to it, "It quit about 2 hours ago." I smiled at the 4 of them, "Good luck!" I walked to the kitchen in almost a skip, as I listened to them start to figure out how to finish the task I was on. 

"You know, they'll be at it for hours now?" Natasha spoke up from the edge of the hangar.

"I know." I glanced back, "That means they won't be in the way in the kitchen." I smiled to her.

"Brilliant." She smiled back, "Mind if I join you?"

I shook my head and continued on my way. I set about making tacos, and so that they didn't make a mess, I asked Natasha to wrap them in parchment paper. I was not looking forward to cleaning up lettuce everywhere later. 

Lunch was ready quickly and I had Friday announce it. They all rushed the kitchen, grabbed their food and went their own ways.

I was sitting down in the kitchen to enjoy my food when I heard a loud thruster outside. I checked out the window to see a large, yellow, bird shaped, ship land in the yard. I watched as Rhodey flew passed the large window in the kitchen. 

"Looks like we have company." I turned to talk to Steve and noticed Bruce had left the kitchen already. 

"Ya, I sent word out for everyone to come back." Natasha said as she pulled a chip from the bowl. 

"This is going to be interesting." I said just before taking a large bite of my taco.

I watched as the yellow ship took off again, and I was later informed that Bruce and another member went to get someone. I went back to my post as welder after we had finished eating. Informing the guys they can figure out dinner.

By the time the evening had finished, most of the welding had been completed and a large platform had been assembled. I turned my attention to the metal rods that they wanted hung from the ceiling. These large rods had wires run through them and would be attached to something else. Honestly, I began to space out on the details after the 3rd sentence. I focused on hanging the 50 rods in the exact location that I was told. I normally didn't like to be micromanaged, but having Tony on the floor giving directions was a help.

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