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Jeongguk as supposed to be home by now

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Jeongguk as supposed to be home by now.

where is he?

Jimin leaves the rapidly cooling food on the kitchen table, just in case Jeongguk came home and was hungry.

he moves into the living room, switching channels, pushing the need of Jeongguk's presence from his head. He can just make himself a little busy, right ?

The TV plays static.

Jimin shifts, wincing as weight is added onto his sore knees as he lies on his stomach, watching the clock.
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock

'He'll get mad.' Jimin reminds himself.
He can't do it. Jeongguk would kill him if he tried.

He tries to busy himself in other things. Thinking,
Jimin wonders what the latest craze is. Maybe portable TVs.
'That's what tablets are for.' He shakes his head and tries to avert his attention.

But, The clock is insistent, tick tock tick ringing in his head. The idea isn't that bad.

...Jeongguk might not be home for a while.



'No' he reminds himself, then says it out loud to cement it.
"I won't touch the phone."
Maybe somewhere in his head he thinks that saying it out loud would let him know that he didn't do anything wrong, Incase Jeongguk was somehow home.
I don't have anything to hide.

The tick tock is consistent, and Jimin allows his mind to wander to something that seems so unattainable.

Could he make a friend?

Jimin pinches his thigh.

'Don't be stupid, that's not possible.' He reminds himself. Besides , the man with the wrong number seemed way too hostile to want a friendship with a stranger.

Jimin doesn't like hostile.

A mean voice sneers to him, "But Jungkoo-"

Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock Tick

He feels like his brain is melting.

He's just so damn lonely and Jungkook isn't home and he's got nothing to do so maybe texting a stranger  (who Jeongguk doesn't know and definitely would not let him talk to) on the phone (that he isn't supposed to touch yet) isn't going to be that bad.

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