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t/w abuse"Smile for me baby

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t/w abuse
"Smile for me baby." Jeongguk says as he takes out his camera, snapping a few photos of jimin.

Jeongguk had that same camera before he and jimin even dated. He always took pictures of jimin, pictures of him sleeping, pictures of him eating, pictures of him smiling, pictures of him crying, pictures of him after he'd been fucked, pictures of him after he'd been beat. It was his own portfolio.
Jimin made the mistake of looking at the photos once. The first few were fine, kind of cute, but as he went through, the pictures became sadder, pained, sadistic. He looked like a caged animal. When he came across a picture in which there was a collar around his neck, chained like a dog, tears in his eyes as he kneeled on the ground, Jimin threw the camera to the side and retched.

Now he just lets Jeongguk take the pictures .

Jeongguk takes a few pictures and jimin watches as his eyes crinkle at the sides, nose scrunching in an almost endearing way. Jimin thinks he looks cute sometimes.

"My pretty boy" Jeongguk coos and jimin can't help but blush, turning his face into his shoulder. Jeongguk coos even louder and he feels his strong hands come to lift his face, thumb on his  bottom lip.
Jungkook smiles so gently at jimin he feels like his heart will  break.
"Don't be shy, baby. Do you want to see the photos I took?"

You know I don't but I know you'll make me.

Jimin only blinks at Jeongguk .
He hesitates about what to say. Maybe Jeongguk would actually consider his opinion?

Jimin only shakes his head no.

He sees Jeongguk's jaw clench for a second due to the non verbal response, but he says nothing.

Oh fuck.
Jeongguk stares, and stares and stares.
Then, he smiles wider, so wide the skin around his mouth stretches strangely.
He smiles big and raises his brows and now Jimin's confused and a little scared.

"W-what?" He asks the taller. Jungkook laughs, a small chuckle, and moves off the bed. Once his back is turned, he says in a detached tone,
"Do you want me to cut out your tongue?"

Jimin's heart jumps.

"Sometimes I feel like you're just out to rile me up. Is it that true darling? Do you-"
"Jungk-kook i-"

Jeongguk turns around, his stare venomous. "Oh, you wanna speak now?"
he laughs , big and boisterous, and jimin is terrified. He shuts his eyes, so he doesn't have to see the hit coming.
Instead, he hears nothing .

Jeongguk's hands come up to his eyelids, opening his eyes, and immediately jimin sees that blank expression on his face.
Then Jungkook says, "I'll give you what you want."

𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣. -vminWhere stories live. Discover now