Chapter 2 (Liam's P.O.V)

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Alex Pettyfer as Liam and plz leave comments!!!!


"WHY DO I HAVE TO DO IT?! HE IS A FREAKING OMEGA! HE WON'T LEARN ANYTHING!!" I shouted at my dad. "Liam, he needs to know how to fight. He may be an omega, but until you become Alpha and know what breed of wolf he is, you WILL care for him and NEVER question me again." My dad said. I was about to say something, but a knock stopped me. "Come in." My father said. I growled as I saw the source of my anger walk into my dads office. 'He should be scared.' I thought as I saw him cower under my intense glare. "U-umm A-alpha, I-I was coming to apologize for causing Alpha Liam, Lia, Beta Dereck, and Shuan trouble and I will accept any punishment you shall give me," Alec said as he bowed his neck, exposing it as a sign of submission from an omega. (A/N: srry again, but for future members like Liam and Dereck they are called Alpha Liam and Beta Dereck and their dads are just Alpha and Beta.). " YOU FREAKING SHOULD BE SORRY YOU LITTLE RUNT!!!!" I shouted at him. "John, please take Liam out for a run and bring him back once he has calmed." My dad told his beta, John, Dereck's dad. "Yes Alpha." John said as we walked out.

Alec's P.O.V

"I apologize for Liam's rudeness Alec." Alpha said to me as I watched Alpha Liam and Beta leave. "No, its O.K, I deserved it." I said as I turned

back to Alpha. "Well, I have news for you, so please take a seat." He said. I sat on a chair and waited for his next words. "As you can see, there have been more and more rogues coming into our territory. At tomorrow's meeting, I will be assigning every elder, female and sub to a dominant male, if

they have a mate that mate is to stay with them at all times." I nodded as he continued. "Being that Liam is the future Alpha, I have assigned you to him." I just stared wide-eyed at him. He just watched me as I processed the news. "S-so, this is my punishment for wondering to close to a border?" I asked in a small voice. "No, the punishment is, Liam is going to teach you how to fight and defend yourself." I mentally screamed as I nodded to his announcement of my punishment. "You may leave." He said to me. I nodded, bowed my head and left the room. As soon as I was out I shot off towards my room. I was almost
there when I was slammed into the wall. All I saw was a flash of black before it disappeared. I growled as I shifted into my wolf. I pointed my muzzled in the air and sniffed. I growled as I moved out of
the way when I heard claws on the hard wood clicking coming towards me. I stopped growling when I heard a yelp then a groan. "Damn, for not knowing how to fight, you sure can dodge fast." I heard Alpha Liam say. I bowed quickly and said, "I apologize for causing you pain Alpha Liam." He shook out his fur and stood and looked at me. He nodded his approval and said, "It's O.K., in a fight this was the right thing to do, dodging my attack. Now, if I were an enemy, what would have been your next move?" He asked as he sat on his haunches. "Uuuuummmmm. I would bite their back leg aiming for the hamstring?" I asked as I also sat down. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" We both stood and shifted back to human forms. "Sorry Dad, I was doing a bit of unexpected training and Alec did well for that." Liam told his father as his dad looked at us. "Take it outside." Alpha said. "Yes Sir." Liam and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. "Well lets go outside Omega." Liam said coldly. 'And he's back.' I thought as I followed Liam to the training grounds.
I woke up feeling excited. 'Today is my 18th birthday. I wonder what my mate will be like.' I thought as I put some skinny jeans on with a white tank top with a black dress shirt left unbuttoned. I checked my phone and saw about a million text messages saying happy birthday. Ok maybe not a million but there were a lot. I finished getting ready and headed down stairs. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM!!!!!!" I jumped as Happy Birthday was screamed at me. As I waited for my heart to start back up, I thanked everyone. There were many pack members who stay in camp. The house is like a giant college dorm. "Liam, Liam!" I looked down and saw my little cousin, Rosey. "Yes Rosey?" I asked as I picked her up. "For you." She said as she handed me a birthday card she drew. "Thanks Rosey." I told her as I looked at the card. "It is beautiful as the person who made it." I told her as I hugged her. "We will celebrate tonight, go to school before you guys are late." My mom said as she shoved Lia, Dereck, Shuan and I out the door. We all piled into my truck. It wad pretty big. We pulled into school they started asking me stuff. " Is it Lilly? Is Lilly your mate?" Lia asked. I thought about Lilly and didnt feel anything. "Nope." I said as we walked to our lockers. "How bout..... Allie? Katie? Ann? Veronica? Maddie?" Dereck shot those names at me. "Hmmm, no, no, no, no and no." I said as those names didn't spark a thing in my mind or wolf. I sighed as I walked to first hour. I had spanish. It was easy, except for our final test project, so I was bored. The bell rang, I got to second hour. This is how the whole day went. It was pretty awesome. I have to walk through the freshman hallway to get to the cafeteria. I was listening to see if Alec was ok since my dad told all the doms what subs they have to watch because of rogues. 'Damn brat, why do I have to care for him?' I thought as I walked past the boys bathroom. "Damn fag." I heard a voice say as I listened. "You don't belong here." I heard another voice say. "Lets teach you where you belong b*tch!" I heard a deeper voice say. I could hear grunting and small whimpers as some kid got beat. I heard a crash and figured the kid's head was bashed into the window. It was starting to be entertaining but then I smelt blood. Not anyone's blood, Alec's blood. "Whats going on in here?" I asked as I entered the bathroom. {Dereck, Shuan, get Dom and Lia and come to the freshman boys bathroom.} I sent to Dereck as the freshman boys all looked at me with horror. Well the leader, Chris, was a junior. "What are you doing here Liam?" Chris asked as he kicked Alec in the side.
Alec's P.O.V
It was a normal school day. I was heading (A/N: Sorry this part is like a flashback going into the present) to lunch and all of a sudden I'm in the boys bathroom. I recognized then, Nate, Nick, and Josh. I was about to say something when Chris a huge junior walked in. I shivered as I knew what was going to happen. "So, Alec how have you been since our last...... date?" Chris asked in a deep voice. "I-I've b-been good." I stuttered out. "Oh? Well now, we can't have that now can we boys?" Chris asked Nate, Nick and Josh. "Nope." They all said at the same time. Chris lunged at me and I moved and kicked his leg, remembering what Liam told me. Nate gasped as he saw Chris nose dive into the wall. "Damn fag!" Nate yelled as he grabbed me from behind. "You don't belong here." Chris said as he pounded my body with his fists. I only let out small grunts and whimpers. I looked up at Chris and smiled as I kneed him. He went down, but got up real quick. He grabbed me by my hair and smashed my head/face into the mirror. I smelt blood and felt very light headed. "Whats going on in here?" I heard a voice of an angel. I slightly looked up and nope no angel, it was Liam. But I was still happy to see him. Chris responded but I was closing my eyes as he kicked me again. Last thing I remember/saw was Dereck, Dom, and Shuan rushing into the bathroom, then everything went black.

My Mate is...... MY OMEGA?! (boyxboy) werewolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora