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I am being the perfect wingman.

Edwin had found a pretty good looking girl and he was really into her.

As they were dancing, I start to scroll through my phone while I sway to the beat of the music. Louis had invited us to his party a few weeks ago as a 'new boy band' group made by Simon Cowell. Yep, just like Simon did for One Direction, he did for us as well.

Our band was called PRETTYMUCH and it consisted of five boys: Brandon, Edwin, Zion, Austin, and myself. Louis told us he wanted to introduce us to everyone, and that he was super ecstatic that we were supposedly taking over the new role of "One Direction" prior to the party. I knew in my mind that we could never amount to the legacy that One Direction had left behind, but I wanted to be damn close.

I turn my attention to the porch after I hear a loud commotion near the drink table. To my surprise, I didn't see anyone over there. As I stare a little longer, I see a beautiful figure stand up and help another girl up. I only saw the back of her, but her jeans fit tight on her legs and ass, of course that was the first thing I looked at. Why am I like this?

Anyway, she wore a crop top that showed off her tan skin on her torso and arms. Her chocolate brown hair shone under the light as she maneuvered her drunk friend, I am guessing, to stand up. They looked super embarrassed; they were both probably drunk though. Everyone at this party was pretty wasted, except me. I had some drinks before we came and one a few minutes ago, but I am still good.

When the beautiful figure turned around, my eyes widened. She looked exactly like a girl I used to know from school back home. She was quite scary back then, we all used called her Jen I believe.

Although I barely see a resemblance, her running into the table brought back a ton of memories. I chuckle to myself thinking it was purely impossible as I turn back to Edwin and his girl dancing beside me. They both were so drunk they didn't even realize anyone had made noise. The rest of the band had gone inside earlier to find bathrooms and more beer. I actually hadn't seen them in a while.

I tap Edwin on the shoulder and brought my mouth over to his ear and yell that I was going to look for them. He shoos me away with his hand as he quickly returns it back to his partners waste. I roll my eyes and begin to walk back inside as they continue to sway back and forth in sync. I wanted to get out of plain sight from the girl that I suspected to be Jen. If you only knew how much of a crazy stalker she was in middle school, you would understand my urge to hide. I didn't want to take any chances.

I look around the patio before I enter into Louis's house but didn't see her or her drunk friend anywhere. I wonder what she was even doing at a party like this? Nah, that couldn't have been her. I need more drinks. I am seeing things. Or maybe I'm seeing things because I've had too many drinks? Who knows.

Yay we have Nick's POV!

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