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"Party, Party, Party!" Adrienne yells from downstairs.

"Why are you yelling? I've got a headache from hell," Cam states bluntly.

"Agreed, shut up will you?" I laugh which makes my head pound even more.

"Get ready to go! We're leaving in an hour to party!" Adrienne continues to yell.

"Shut up!" Cam shouts from beside me on the couch.

"Adrienne get your ass up here," I calmly spoke.

Within minutes she was stomping up the stairs with a joyful expression on her face.

"Okay, now in an inside voice, what the hell are you talking about?" I ask still trying to be calm.

"The boys invited us to their party, so get your lazy asses up and get ready!" she jumps with her last word and runs down the stairs to her room.

"She has too much damn energy for someone who drank the most out of us last night," Cam laughs.

Was I in the mood for another party? It was Saturday night yeah, but damn, I was tired. I wouldn't hear the end of it if I bailed on the girls, so why not. I couldn't lie to myself either, I wanted to see Nick again. Well, I wanted him to see me.

A few hours later we were all dressed and ready to go in our Uber.

"Turn around Jen," Becks shouts to me before we leave the house. I turn around and make a funny face noticing her camera was pointed at me.

"Let me see," I giggle after she took the picture.

"That is so cute. Send it to me," I comment.

She smiles at me and nods her head. We follow each other out of the house and lock the door behind us. We head to the boys house and arrive within ten minutes. I was barely finished with my Instagram upload by the time we arrive. I close my phone before I could press 'post' and stick it in my dress pocket giving my full attention to the Uber driver, thanking him for the ride.

"Wow, I didn't realize they lived so close to us," Cam spoke while opening the door and hopping out after our ten minute ride.

He wore black tight pants and a red and white striped shirt. He looked dressed down, but still handsome. Adrienne and Becks also dressed casual wearing jeans and cute tops. It isn't as big of a party as Louis Tomlinson's though, it was a laid back party, sort of like a college party.


I loved my outfit though

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I loved my outfit though. I pulled out a black leather tank top dress that I had found at goodwill and put a t-shirt on up under it with tennis shoes.

Once we walk into this house full of people, the girls run to find their boys and Cam leaves me to find the bathroom.

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