Chapter Two: Stuck Inside

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(if some of yall came from my other account, you can see i love coffee shop- related scenarios :))

Katsuki woke rather early. More specifically, at 7:30 as his job wanted him at 8:10, and he hated being late. Taking a shower usually took him 10 minutes, 5 to get ready, and it depended on the traffic to get there. Even if he got there too early, it was better than being late. He did need the job, after all.

He had moved out of his parent's house and when the weekend arrived, he'd get out of the dorms and go to his house. He liked the dorms (as they provided him anything), but he still liked the silence and reading books without having certain noises bother him.

While on the shower, the sound of his music going down for a moment meaning that he got a message caught his attention. He'd check it later; he had to get ready soon.

After drying himself with a towel, he slid on his clothes. Having some black, ripped jeans with a plain white t-shirt and matching black and white converse. The shirt was tucked in, he hated how he looked with it being all baggy around him. It made him look smaller, or, at least he thought.

"Ill just pick breakfast there", the blond thought while taking the car and house keys from his nightstand, walking out afterwards and driving to work.

He had noticed how the clouds looked rather gray and heavy, but nothing to worry him too much. He liked the rain after all, and loved thunder above it.

On the other hand, if the rain started right now, traffic would be heavy. As long as it poured down while he was at work it wouldn't be a problem. Right?



"Dabi don't you dare go and disturb him at his job! If he gets fired I'll kill you!", Shouto yelled as his brother took his bike's keys, starting to walk out of the house, although stopping on the door.

"I just want a coffee and a bite, I won't cause trouble.", sure; the words seemed innocent and truthful, but the look on his face didn't. That side-grin on his face and raised brow clearly meant that he wouldn't keep to his word.

The half-haired one was about to yell again but his words were cut as the door slammed shut and soon enough, the sound of a motorcycle filled his ears despite it being muffled.

What was wrong with him? I mean- he didn't like Bakugou, right? Yes, he liked boys (and girls too, as he was bisexual), but still! Bakugou was just a friend. Right?

Right. There's no need to be jealous if your brother starts dating his best friend who had already gone through a lot.


And, just to Katsuki's luck; the sound of thunder hitting the ground as soon as he entered the (empty) coffee shop and heavy rain filled his ears. I mean, at least he had made it on time.

Apparently, nobody else was working today. A small note besides the coffee maker clarified that.

"Hello Bakugou! Jirou here. Sorry for leaving, I had a really bad stomach ache and I hope you can handle the shop today by yourself! I owe it to ya, buddy!" - Jirou

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