Chapter 11 - Hinata Pt. 4

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*This chapter was edited 8-26-2019*

Majority of the occupants in the room were in tears as the scene ended. Even the brooding Uchiha's heart was touched at the moment. When he turned to the blond, he saw a few tears escape his face before he quickly wiped them away. He saw him smile a little. Gai and Lee were bawling, screaming about the flames of youth while Hinata had tears of joy seeing her future self so happy.

Kurenai and the Nara and Yamanaka matriarchs were crying with their hands over their mouth, while some of the men shed a few tears. Neji looked at the blond with a slight smile while the female genin were teary eyed. Even the stoic Shino and lazy Nara showed a little emotion at the touching moment. The Hokage smiled at his grandson while Kakashi wiped the tear that escaped his eye.

Before anyone could say anything, the scene changed again to another part of Hinata's future.

A much older Hinata was currently in a hospital room in labor. Her screams could be heard from outside the labor room. In the lobby sat, two older women. A blonde one, now recognized as the former Kazekage's daughter, who was holding a red-haired baby girl and another red-haired who was a member of the Uzumaki clan and a second cousin to Naruto. She was holding a black-haired baby boy who had a distinguishable set of Hyuga eyes.

Surrounding the women, were 20 other children that varied in age. They were a collection of blondes, red-hairs, indigo heads, and raven haired individuals who were all the children of Naruto Uzumaki. Some of the older ones looked a little nervous while the younger ones looked excited for the arrival of their new sibling.

"Looks like someone's been busy." Kakashi teased.

"That's a lot of children" Ino commented.

"No kidding" Asuma said as he a light sweat drop escaped the side of his brow.

In the hospital room, Hinata was currently squeezing the life out of Naruto's hand as she continued to labor and trying push her daughter out. Naruto, who's hair was in a trimmed ponytail with his locks framing the sides of his face, was pale as he held his wife's hand during her delivery.

"NARUTO UZUMAKI, I SWEAR I'M NOT EVER LETTING YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN!" Hinata yelled as she continued to push, almost breaking his hand.

"I didn't know you could be so loud, Hinata" Kiba said as he winced at the crack of Naruto's hand.

Hinata continued look as she gave birth to her child. Hiashi looked like he was going to faint at the sight of seeing his oldest daughter going through labor.

"It's OK honey." Naruto said, ignoring her statement. "Not much longer until she's out." he said as he tried to reassure her. She yelled again in labor as she continued to push.

"Just one more push Hinata. One more push and you can see your baby girl." a red-head by the name of Karin Uzumaki said. She was a cousin of Naruto and delivered his first five children. Adoring her forehead was a red diamond shaped mark in the middle of her forehead.

"Agh!" Hinata gave one long push that pushed out the rest of her baby.

When the baby came out, Karin cut the umbilicle cord and cleaned the blood off the child. The baby cried as she wrapped the her in a pink blanket. Naruto cried with tears of joy as Karin handed their child to a tired Hinata. Karin walked out to go get the rest of the family who were anxiously waiting for their sibling.

Naruto kissed the top of her forehead as she held their little girl. When she opened her eyes, she looked up at her mother for the first time, causing Hinata shed a few tears. Had blue eyes and blonde hair a bit darker than her fathers and had a mixture Naruto's and Hinata's facial features. Naruto wrapped his arms around them and squeezed them lightly.

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