Chapter 36 - Aftermath

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With the jonin......

Everyone was quite as they sat at the bar, all in deep thought. If it was one thing that they could agree on, it was that their minds all traveled along the thought of one blonde genin. Naruto Uzumaki. They had all been surprised of the revelations that had been revealed to them about the blonde. No one was definitely expecting that. They didn't know whether to be shocked at the fact that he was an Uchiha, he was the son of the Fourth Hokage, he had a clan, or the fact that he was in the ANBU. Even Gai didn't say anything.

Kakashi kept drinking. He didn't know what to do. Any chances of him trying to connect with his sensei's son were slim to none. How couldn't he have seen it before? Was he that blind? He always preached to his students about looking underneath the underneath and yet he failed to see what was in front of him. He chuckled at the irony of it. I guess you don't catch everything.

Gai looked at his rival worriedly. He too had been shocked by the things revealed to them today, especially involving a certain genin. Of course, they had all knew of what was sealed inside of him and of his status. Most of the older generation knew. However, to be the son of the Fourth, was shocker. And as you know, that wasn't the only surprise the blonde had in store for them. The green wearing jonin sighed, knowing that Kakashi was taking the news the hardest.

Gai placed a hand on Kakashi's shoulder. "Kakashi-" he started, but was cut off by the copy nin.

"I can't believe I didn't it see before." he said, taking another swig of his beer.

"It was something we all missed, Kakashi." Gai said. "You couldn't have known."

"But, I should have." Kakashi answered sharply. "I should have seen it before."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Kakashi. We all missed it." Asuma said as he took a drag of his cigarette. He wondered how is father was feeling. He could see the guilt eating him up as he looked at his pseudo-grandson. Kakashi said nothing and silence returned to the bar.

"Hinata seemed happy." Kurenai said as she took a sip of her drink.

"I would imagine so." Asuma mused. "Her affections for him were evident."

Kurenai chuckled at this. "Hai. That it was." she said with a small smile. "I think Kiba and Shino are happy as well."

"Shikamaru seemed thoughtful about the situation." Asuma said. "I think he finds his future niece to be troublesome." he said with a small laugh. "Ino is just......Ino."

"Choji seemed a little excited." Kurenai said.

"I think so, too." the Sarutobi said with a smirk. "How about your students, Gai?" he asked the Green Beast of Konoha.

"Neji seems different. He's not as cold as he used to be and seemed to warm up a little to his teammates." Gai started. "Ten-Ten is still the same. And Lee is just as youthful as ever!" he said with his signature smile.

Kurenai rolled his eyes at the man before turning to Kakashi. She nudged him on the shoulder, breaking him out of his thoughts. "What about yours, Kakashi?" she softly asked the former ANBU member.

Kakashi sighed and took another swig before responding. "Well.....Sasuke seems less cold and distant. Sakura is still Sakura, even though she does seem a lot calmer. And Naruto......" he said with a pause. "I don't really know what to say about him." he replied looking down.

Once again, silence filled the space between the group of Jonins. After a while, Kakashi downed the rest of his beer before standing up from the bar. The rest of the jonin-sensei's looked at him as he rose.

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