The Fallen Angel

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My name is Acantha, I am a fallen angel and this is my story..

I made my way through the thick forest trees remembering the first time i set foot here.

Okay so heres how it goes an angel is born and is raised to save humans protect them from demons and other threats probaly near the age of 13 they do that, well i was born though one problem.

I'm half angel half demon, so yeah you can see the problem in that, my mother was a demon my dad an angel.

The two angels who run this community of angels are like a king and queen i guess, they didn't banish my dad since demon women are... kinda well..

They can make people do as they want, they can make people listen to them if they are powerful enough so thats why my dad was never banished or killed by creating me.

So i guess thats why i'm still around, they think im dangerous and will turn against them, though i wouldn't dream of it.

Though i killed the first human they asighed for me, though it wasn't my fault, the guy in the van seemed friendly enough, he even offered to give her a ride home.

Guess not, he ended up killing the girl i was protecting, not good i can say that for sure, they said it was my fault though it wasn't i didn't know any better then to let her go with him.

That was the first time i messed up, though more messes followed, i got an angel revealed to a human, yay me, well that wasn't tooo bad, then i got an angel killed, so yeah thats how they sent me to earth, they kicked me out and sent me into a forest last time i saw my father.

So thats how i got here now, if it wasn't bad enough i did all that they kept something against me as well, wearing black.

 I didn't get it, why we couldn't wear black they said qoute: "Angels wear white demons wear black, black is evil white is pure and good".

So they held that against me of all things. I sighed heavily thinking all this over, i have only been down here a few days and i was already lonely, i wish i hadn't been such an idiot and just listened to my orders.

Now i was walking through this forest by myself, i looked around for anyone near by that could help me.

 I triped on a root and went flying forward onto the ground, i groaned and sat up, i checked my knee where i brushburned it.

I got up and looked down at my bleeding knee, i brushed off my dress. I wore a white dress with a black waistband across it and black sneakers to match and a black purse.

I listened and heard running water near by, i followed the sound and came across a stream, i bent down and wet my hands running one of them over my knee to clean off the blood.

I stood up and followed the stream through the forest, i yawned, sleeping on the ground for three days was not fun, i sighed again, 'If i found a town i could get some new clothes and get a shower and something to eat'

I smiled to myself at the thought of that, geting something to eat mostly, i have been living off berries for that last three days, i followed the stream to the sound of cars, i sped to a full out sprint, running out onto a sidewalk.

I looked around at a small town and spotted a hotel, i walked across the road and made it to the hotel entrance.

 I waked in and heard a bell above my head. "Good evening, how may i help you?" A lady in her mid thirtys asked from behind the desk.

"Yes please, can i have a one persons room please" I asked politly. "Sure dear that will be $57, you will be in room 25 on the top floor" She said handing me a pair of keys i gave her the money, i smiled and nodded my thanks and went to the stairs climbing them to the top floor.

I counted down from 30 to 25 and unlocked the door, i went in and looked around the room, it was small, a desk a lamp, a bathroom one sink shower and toilet a small mirror over the sink, there was a double bed in the middle of the room, a large window across from it covered over with certains.

I smiled at the room around me and sat a key down, i kept the other one and put it in my purse luckily i had alot of money i've saved over the years, i went to the local Mcdonalds and got a large order of fries and a soda.

I payed and sat on a bench and ate the salty fries, after i was done with both my fries and soda, i went back to the hotel room, by the time it took me to get the hotel room the food and get back it was going on 8 pm.

I took off my sneakers and purse, climbing into the bed i sighed and covered myself in the blanket before slowing drifting into  unconsciousness.

Hello, people, how are you enjoying my new story "The Fallen Angel"?

Credit for the Beautiful image for the Book Cover goes to Lionique at


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