2 - Job

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Derek. Derek. Derek. Derek. Derek. Derek. Find Derek. Find him. Find the Alpha. Find the Alpha. Find the Alpha. FIND HIM.

I shot out of my trance. Where the hell am I? I was running to school, then I started hearing all of these voices so I followed them. Now I'm outside a giant, run down apartment complex. Deciding I should make my way in, a man behind me spoke up.

"Excuse me?" He began, "why are you here?" Okay, first, God damn was he fine. Are all guys like this in America? Holy shit. He had brown curly hair that sat nicely on his head, beautiful piercing blue eyes and lips that anyone would dream of kissing.

"Uh, I'm looking for Derek Hale?"

"What do you want with him?" He asked, taking a step closer.

"I dont think it concerns you." I took a step toward him. His beautiful face became much more serious and he took another step closer. I could've sworn his eyes flashed a light shade of gold, so I decided to flash mine at him quickly too. "But I'm leaving anyway." I added, not really sure what had come over me or why I decided to challenge a super hot guy twenty-five minutes before school started. I began turning around, making my way to school.

I was a lot earlier to school that day, so I walked at a regular person pace under the tunnel thing. I was walking behind Scott and Stiles, debating whether to go and talk to them or just trot behind. Seeing as I used all my confidence this morning, I decided to just walk behind.

"Okay what would a pack of Alpha's want with Erica and Boyd?" Stiles asked Scott.

"I'm not sure it's them they want." Scott replied.

"Okay, what, like Derek? Like they're recruiting?" Just as Stiles finished his sentence, I got a whoft of wet dog. Turing to see who it was, I saw two identical twins strutting I'm the opposite direction. I was walking as I stared at them and managed to walk straight into Scott.

"Oh, sorry Scott! I wasn't paying attention." I rambled, embarrassed of what had just happened as I stared at the floor. He placed his hand on my shoulders.

" It's fine, JJ." He told me, I looked up. He seemed to catch a scent or something as his nose scrunched up, "do you have a cat?"

"Do you have a dog?" I blurted out the first thing that came to mind and let out a nervous chuckle, spinning on my heel and walking away. He continued to stare at the back of my head as I walked towards the school.

"Hey, Scott? You coming?" You heard Stiles ask before you walked into the changing rooms. I put on my Sell your soul top, ripped jeans, combat boot and grey cardigan on, then tied my hair into two space buns, rather than the one. Finally, I made my way to Business Studies with coach. The only free seat was to the left of Danny, and as i sat I felt Scott's gaze on the back of my head until Coach's voice broke the chatter in the room.

"The stock market is based on two principles. What are they?" Coach asked the class, his arms raised on either side of his body. Scott raised his hand slowly. "Yes, McCall you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?"

"Uh n-no, coach, I know the answer." Scott spoke up from his seat. Coach broke out into hysterical laughter, which made a few students chuckle as well. Scott looked dumbfounded.

"Oh, you're serious?"

"Y-yeah, it's risk and reward." He answered, everyone's eyes now on him.

"Wow! Who are you? And what have you done to McCall?" Coach exasperated and Scott let out a pleased chuckle. "Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better." Coach walked away from Scotts desk and made his way to the front of the class. "Does anybody have a quarter? A quater?" Stiles replied and reached into his pocket for a quarter. He yanked it out, sending an XXL condom flying across the room, landing right next to my desk. "Stilinski, I think you - Uh - " Stiles mumbled something in embarrassment as I smiled and tried to hold in my laughter, "You dropped this." Coach finished, handing it back to him, "and congratulations." He smirked to the embarrassed, blubbering boy, Scott looked just as impressed.

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