6 - Void

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I was woken up in the middle of the night. My phone was vibrating uncontrollably. Rolling over, I let out a long groan, answering the phone before looking at the contact.

"What?" I whispered tiredly, careful not to wake up Reece, who I shared a room with.

"JJ, thank God." It's Isaac. "I know you and Scott aren't on the best of terms and you'll probably hate me for asking, but I wouldn't if it wasn't important. Like life or death."

"Okay, okay. What?"I asked again, sitting up in my bed and swinging my feet over the edge. I placed my glasses on my face gently, making sure I didn't poke myself in the eye.

"It- It's Stiles. He slept-walked. He doesn't know where he is. He called Scott twenty minutes ago, we're going to find him. He thinks he's in some sort of basement, it's freezing. But he also doesn't think he's alone. Meet us at his house in half an hour. Please." He begged me.

"Okay, Isaac. I'll see you there. Be careful." I hung up and crept out of my bed. I grabbed a coat from the back of my bedroom door, before tip-toeing down the stairs. I tactfully hopped over the creeky step and continued silently walking into the kitchen. My mum's mini-van key was proudly hung up un the key rack. Although I hesitated, I knew it was the only way that I'd be able to get there in time. I took the key off of the rack. I made my way to the front door and slipped my feet into some flats I kept by the door, grabbing a semi-empty backpack as I exited the house.

I got in the mini-van and shut the door as quietly as possible. I adjusted the mirrors, the seat and my glasses before finally putting the key in the ignition. Taking a deep breath and holding it in, I turned the key. The engine turned on the first time, thankfully not too loud. Stiles's house is around twenty minutes away. I pulled off the drive slowly, attempting to not wake up my parents. I knew it was too late when I saw their bedroom light turn on behind the curtains and I instantly picked up my pace, racing down the street before they could see me.

74-angry-messages-from-mum later, I was at Stiles's house. I shut the door noiselessly. I'm not sure if the Sheriff knows, but I'm not going to risk it. I climbed through the window of his living room - which was already open - and crept up the stairs towards Stiles's bedroom.

"Not as confusing as this." I heard Lydia's voice. I rounded the corner and walked directly into Isaac. He jumped back and did a weird ninja thing with his hands - as if it were threatening. I scoffed and walked further into the room.

"You were right. This is confusing." I said to Lydia. I looked around Stiles's room to see his whole crime-board thing attached to his bed by red pieces of string. It looked crazy. Obsessive, even.

"He uses red for unsolved cases," Lydia explained, looking me dead in the eye.

"Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case." Aiden rationalised, even though that didn't seem to make it any better.

"Or is an unsolved case," Isaac added.

"Hold on. Is he still out there? You don't know where he is?" Lydia asked with wide eyes. She was genuinely worried and all we had was a cold basement.

"He's in an industrial basement somewhere," Scott told her, barely meeting her eye.

"We came here to get a better scent," Isaac added, "I got JJ to come because she's the fastest. And the second-best detective."

"What else did he say?" Lydia questioned them further.

"Something's wrong with his leg. It's bleeding." Bleeding? I just thought he hurt it?

"And he's freezing," Isaac added, once again.

"Well, It's the coldest night of the year. I'd expect no more than 30°F." I pointed out to them, folding my arms over my chest.

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