10 - Hospital P2

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"A true Alpha." Peter spoke, shocked.

"What's that?" Stiles asked, probably feeling left out.

"An Alpha that doesn't have to steal power. They rise by the force of their own will." I explained, Scott looked blank. He had probably hoped to hide it for a while.

"Our little Scott." Peter said snarky. He probably wasn't too happy about Scott having more power than him.

"It doesn't matter." Scott reasoned, "We still need to get her out of here."

"Scott, your mom--" Stiles was cut off.

"My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in twenty minutes. And I-I dont think we've been here that long, so if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here." Scott recalled.

"The twins aren't gonna let us just walk out." Peter said.

"I'll distract them." Scott told us.

"You mean fight them." I added, slightly worried. I mean, Scott's like 5'10" and the twins must be at least 6'6" combined. Holy heck, he'll be squashed like a bug.

"Whatever I have to do." He met my eyes.

"I'll go." I spoke quietly, almost inaudible, but I knew he'd heard it when he nodded slightly.

"I'll help you." Derek spoke.

"Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek." Jennifer butted in. She still thinks she can boss us about?

"I'll do it." We all turned to Peter. "But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage."

"An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?" Stiles asked from the corner.

"Something better than a baseball bat." He told us. We all started rummaging through draws, cupboards, tabletops to find something, anything that could be used as a weapon.

"Hey, wait. What about these?" Stiles asked, holding up defibrillators.

"Do you know how to use those?" Derek asked him.

"Well, no."

"Put 'em down." Derek told him and went back to rummaging.

"Epinephrine?" Scott asked whilst holding up a long ass needle and reading the label.

"That's only gonna make him stronger." Derek told him.

"How strong?" Peter asked, eyeing up the needle. I grabbed the needle off of Scott and shoved it into Peter's chest before anyone could object. Peter kept the needle in but ran past and shoved his way out of the door. Scott and I looked at each other before following after him. We got out and stood in standoff with the twins.

"All right, boys." All three of us glowed our eyes at them as Peter spoke. "Let's rumble." They both roared and marched towards us. Peter let out a huge growl and charged forward, me and Scott close behind. The twins had now merged into their giant. Peter barged into him, Scott accidentally jumped right over their head. I jumped on his back and clawed his face before I was shoved off and thrown against the wall. Scott was attempting to slash at it now and Peter was on the floor. Stiles, Derek, Jennifer and Cora were all piling out of the room. I slashed at the giants leg, causing it to roar and throw Scott aside. I had it's full attention. I charged at it. I ran straight at it. They threw me against the wall like a was as light as a feather. We all stood and fled, running the opposite direction to the way Derek and the others went. Peter almost instantly fell on the floor. "That shot didn't last very long." He grumbled. Me and Scott helped him up, his arms round our shoulders.

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