12 - Eclipse

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They sprung out of the water.


Sixteen hours.

"I saw it. I know where it is." Scott yelled as soon as he got out. (Also damn, he looked so good in a wet shirt.)

"Yeah, we passed it. There was this stump. This huge tree. Well, It's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though. Very big." Stiles added.

"It was the night we were looking for the body." Scott recalled.

"Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter." Stiles carried on.

"I was there too, in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone." Allison spoke up.

"It was me. You almost hit me." Scott told her. "We can find it." They all looked back at us.

"What?" Allison asked, noticing our not-so-impressed faces.

"You guys were out a long time." Isaac told them.

"How long's a long time?" Stiles asked.

"Sixteen hours." Deaton told them.

"We were in the water for sixteen hours?" Scott asked, worried and angry.

"And the full mood rises in less than four." I told him before handing them all a towel and breakfast bar each.

"I have to go back to Deucalion. I have to tell him." Scott spoke, once they'd each eaten the bar.

"Scott. You can't. They aren't trustworthy." I informed him again, I'm not sure that he knows Deucalion is my father, and I don't want to tell him. What if his opinion of me fell?

"No, dude. You are not going back with them." Stiles added, looking Scott in the eye.

"I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott repeated.

"Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" Stiles pointed out, trying to persuade his friend.

"Why does it matter anyway?" Isaac spoke for the first time.

"Because, I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott told us again.

"He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong." Allison ordered Deaton. Deaton shrugged. Yes, shrugged.

"I'm not so sure he is." Deaton told her. "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."

"So we just trust him? He calls himself death, destroyer of worlds. And we're trusting him?" I asked, sliding down the wall and onto the floor.

"I wouldn't trust him, no." Deaton said, "But you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait." Everyone looked at each other. Until we heard the shop doors open.

"I'm looking for Lydia." Ethan's voice grumbled from the doorway. Lydia went to the front of the shop.

"What do you want?" She asked softly.

"I need your help." He told. Stiles took that as his cue to join in.

"Stopping my brother and Kali... from killing Derek."


"Just grab anything... Stiles, I'm not smelling your dad's boxers... socks? Okay I'll smell the socks." Scott spoke on the phone to Stiles. We we're at Allison's apartment, trying to find a few weapons and some things to smell. Being a cat, rather than dog, I can't really smell as well. I run faster, but smell is not my strong suit.

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