Chapter 47: Lupus Nox

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The alarm went off at 3:15am.

Soma recalled that Lupa had just fallen asleep at that time, and his own power to stay awake had been diminishing rapidly.

He remembered that he had groggily glared at the siren, waiting for it to shut up like it always did after a drill.

But this time, it didn't.

"Aragami in sector X-13, I repeat we have had a breach in X-13. Unit Two, the Defense Squad, report to the Lobby immediately for a briefing. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill!"

He sighed in irritation, willing for the Defense Squad to hurry up and arrive so Hibari's voice would stop being played so loudly.

"What is it?" He was surprised to see Lupa attempting to sit up sleepily, rubbing her eyes. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Just an aragami disturbance." He reassured her, urging her to lie back down again. He could see how much pain the covers moving against her skin caused her. "Take it easy, Unit Two's got it covered. I won't be going anywhere."

"Oh...good." She hesitantly smiled, and presently the ward became quiet again.

He switched on the TV, turning the volume right down in order not to disturb her. The broadcast of the area showed a swarm of Zygotes in X-13, but since these were fairly low-class aragami, he wasn't too concerned.

After a moment, he switched the TV off again, satisfied that he wouldn't be disturbed.

Lupa could do with the sleep.

Ten minutes later, the alarm went off again, jolting Soma out of his sleep. He hadn't been dreaming about anything in particular; nothing worth mentioning, but the noise still bugged him.

Update. High classed aragami spotted in Sector X-13, requesting backup from Unit 8, I repeat...

"It's getting worse, huh?" Lupa murmered, looking troubled.


They both sat watching the broadcasted update playing on a TV in the corner of the room, seeing huge winged creatures smashing through buildings.

"Ouroboros..." Lupa murmered, recognising the magnificent beasts. "I hope they got everyone out alright..."

"You think Tatsumi would let anyone get hurt?" Soma smirked at her. "Too stubborn for that."

"Yes, you're right." And for once, she seemed to trust him, relaxing again and curling up on her side. He brushed a couple of stray strands out of her face to which she mumbled a non-intelligible complaint, and he chuckled back.

But he couldn't help but feel that this was far from the end of the long night.

A mere three minutes later, his fear was confirmed.

"Update. A collection of the new-type aragami have made it past the shield; Nox are past the shield, I repeat..."

Lupa's eyes flicked open immediately, and this time he was unable to stop her from pushing herself onto her elbows. She had switched the screen on before he was even half way to being awake.

She dropped the remote with a clatter.

Soma rubbed his hand over his eyes, looking from her to the screen uncertainly. "Lupa?"

Her gaze was transfixed in horror, hand frozen in mid-air.

Searching the screen, he felt like he was reading one of the picture books that Aria was fond of- one where you had to find the one specific guy in a crowd of hundreds of people- except this time, it was more Where's Aragami, and he didn't know what he was looking for.

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