4- Who should I send to Earth?

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No one's POV

You woke up early due to falling from your bed. You laid in the floor for several minutes before standing up.
You put on a f/c tank top under a s/f/c (Second favorite color) long sleeve sweater,  distressed skinny jeans,and knee high boots. Finally, you put on your f/c fingerless gloves and went back to bed.  You were about to fall asleep when you remembered about them.

"Oh no... They know about them now"  you thought.

You stood up again and went downstairs quietly. Luckily, the countries were asleep. You opened the door and went outside.

"Hello dear, long time no see!" Someone said, their voice was easy to recognize. It was ∆××∆, (A/n- I don't have a name for him. I got everything but not a name. Sorry :[ ) the one everyone feared, but not you. You despised him.

"∆××∆! You found me! Again" you gave him a clearly fake smile. "I saw that you have guests, hand them over." He demanded.

"No." You growled. He frowned. "Let's make a deal, you can have half of their territory and I get the other half, okay?" He followed you around the place.

"No, just leave" you said coldly. He didn't care. His eyes widened when he realized why you refused to hand them over. He wasn't easily fooled,

"They're countries, right?" He asked. You didn't say a word, just stared at him with cold eyes. "They are...HAHAHAHA" He started laughing like a maniac.

"What are you laughing about?" You kept taking care of your crops.
"You sided with countries, huh?" He teased you for being weak. "You know, our fight won't be fair" he continued.

"It already is unfair. I'm sick thanks to you! Bastard!" You saw him with the corner of your eye.
"Come on... I didn't do anything to you!" You just nodded in response.

You turned around to face him. "Then, explain this!" you took off your glove and showed him your s/c skin darkened like it was a charcoal.

He grinned. "Ohh, that. It's nothing to worry about" he hold your hand and squeezed it. You let out a pained hissed.

He looked at you dead into the eye. "Someday, I'll destroy you. I'll become a country and you'll be forgotten. Forgotten in history, just like everyone else" he whispered loud enough for you to hear.
"I'll get my own countries too..so.. ta ta C/n!"
He let go off  your hand and left.
"Go to hell!" You shouted.

You went back inside just to be greeted with two countries. They were spying on you, but didn't understand anything since you spoke in y/l.

"Who was that out there?" America asked, you stared at the floor.

"Well... remember when you asked if there were others?" You asked him. He nodded. "Well, there's someone else, there's the guy you saw outside and the others who didn't show up" you mumbled the last part.

You went to the kitchen and gave them some salad you made before going out.  They ate it without hesitation, they were hungry.

After they ate it, you discussed about Earth and how it changed through a short period of time thanks to the nuclear blast.
They told you there were more countries in space. Russia and Ame fought from time to time, they indeed hated each other.

"One more thing, you guys need to clean yourselves and get clean clothes" you pointed at each of them.

"And where do we take a bath? Clearly there's not a bathroom in your house" America said. "Well, there's a waterfall somewhere near the snowy part of the woods... It's inside a cave" you explained them.

"What about the clothes? You don't have my size... since you're b/t (body type) and y/h (your height) " Russia asked raising a brow.

"That's why we'll stop at your mansions!" You were excited to go with someone else. "It's pretty far so maybe we'll get there by noon..."

"Wait... You know where are our mansions? MY mansion?" You could feel that America was giving you a death glare behind those shades.

"Yes, scavengers like me often visit those places. I never stole anything, the others did. That's why I threatened everyone to not go to those mansions. And when I'm bored, I go and clean them." you explained.

"Did you read the paperwork?" America looked at you suspiciously, Russia waited for the answer of Ame's question.

"What is paperwork? Also, I don't know how to read..." You said.

"You can't read? But you have books!" America pointed at the bookshelves. "Tell the truth!"

"I can't read! I just look at the ones with pictures" you looked away, blushing from embarrassment. "I never had someone to teach me how to read or write" you refused to look at them.

Ame's POV

Well, that was unexpected. At least she tried to understand the books.

"Okay, we're getting out of our plans. Both of you need to take a bath." She tried to hide her slightly pink cheeks from the embarrassment, She was adorable.

"And aren't you going to take a shower?" Russia asked her, she shook her head. "Nah, I'm good"

"Let's stop losing time! We need to get there now so we will be getting at the cave by noon" she stood up and went outside, me and Russia followed her. She entered a stable, we waited outside.

I heard horses, she came out ofnthe stable riding a gray Shire horse with two other horses by her sides.

"Meet Mango, Black and Dog!" She pointed at each of them. (Author is a genius with names! Ha!)

Horses...they still exist. And she had three, they were amazing.

I chose Mango, it was American Paint horse. It had a saddle so I just got up.
Russia had done the same with Black, a Budyonny horse.

C/n started guiding the path to my mansion. Since, according to her, it was the closer one.



Maybe it was a bad idea to send America and Russia together. Oh well, it's done now.

There was no signal from them. Maybe their radios are busted or something?

I decided to send someone else, if that one died too, we are going to be doomed to die on space.

I needed someone that wouldn't give up easily. I had North Korea as a possible option, but he'll have to go with someone else to ensure that he doesn't do anything bad, like nuke America instantly. It's either him with other or just two other different countries.

I called him, Japan, China, and South Korea to my office. I considered to let Australia go, since he's good with animals...and there might be animals.

But out of nowhere, Canada barged in, almost breaking the door. He told me he really wanted to go and save his brother from any kind of threat. He wants to make sure his brother is safe.

Who should I choose?

Published: August 22, 2019

(Choose 2) [Update: They were chosen already]
Aussie is definitely going.

•Japan (Female)
•North Korea
•South Korea
•Other (who?)

The two with the most votes will go, it doesn't matter if they get along or not. They'll go. Author does what author wants. Even if that means to steal and eat other's food. Author is evil. *Laughs in bad*
This choice DOES have an impact (but not so big...)

×=Sorry if there are any mistakes and if I couldn't get someone's personality right. This was more of a filler chapter because I don't want it to progress fast. And again, I'm sorry.=×

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