6- More countries?

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No one's POV
C/n woke up on her bed, she tried to get up but failed. She looked what was stopping her, she had Russia's arms wrapped around her waist.

She panicked mentally. Not knowing what to do, she did the only thing she knew, slap his face, but softly enough to wake him up.

Russia woke up groaning. "What?" He groaned. "Get your arms off of me! I told you I don't like physical contact." She said. Russia let go off of her.

"But you were hugging me at night!" He said back at her. "No! I wasn't!" She stood up and put on her boots and f/c hoodie/sweater/jacket (Anything that's comfortable).

"So, where are we going now?" America asked. "Let's go back to my house, it's not so far. And I also need to make soup, you guys need to eat something" C/n said.

And that's how their journey began. But this time, they had to walk, since the horses were lost.

C/n told the two countries to never try food or drinks from other clans. Since they could be poisoned or infected with a deadly disease. She knew that from experience.

It was a peaceful walk, until America and C/n started acting like little kids. 

Russia's POV

America and C/n were running around, I was surprised that in such short time they were already getting along.

Then, it happened. Both of them crashed into some cactuses and yelled  in pain.

They came back and were covered in spikes (I don't know the name of the thingys). They were bleeding and had multiple bruises.

"Why were you running? And how could you not see the cactuses?!" I told them.

"At least we had fun!" America said. C/n sided with him and said "yeah!"

"Yes, but now both of you have spikes all over your body" I crossed my arms.

•=Time skip=•

We got to C/n's house, she had already taken off her spikes and America's.
They were all patched up now.

She had placed three canvases outside, there were was also a table with many types of brushes in the top of it. There were three palettes with colors on them.

"Okay, while the soup is getting ready. We will paint something. Do whatever you want" she gave me a palette, and other to Murica.

"What if we mess up?" He asked. "Try to fix it. If you want to start again, take another canvas. They're on the table" she pointed at them.

"Okay, but don't laugh at what I'll do! I can't paint or draw!" He said taking a brush.

"I can't draw either. But I'll try" I said grabbing a brush. C/n smiled and took a brush.

"All right, if you need help just tell me!" She said as she started mixing colors in her palette with the brush.

America was really trying, I could see his determination.

I started painting C/n, her flag was easy/complicated (depends on the design you have) to do.
I stared at her from time to time, she was relaxed. Her eyes were like silver, they were pretty.

She only had a light blue background with clouds and mountains, it looked basic.  (I'm watching The Joy of Painting while writing this. Shush)

Her painting was clean, mine was a horrible mess but still understandable.

"C/n, you're beating the devil out of it" Murica said. She gave him a confused look. "The brush, you're beating the devil out of it everytime you clean it"

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