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Riley (Actress) & Melody (Dancer) Dolan (YouTubers)
14/15 years old

Riley (Actress) & Melody (Dancer) Dolan (YouTubers)14/15 years old

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Ethan and Grayson Dolan (YouTubers)
18/19 years old

Ethan and Grayson Dolan (YouTubers)18/19 years old

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Emma Chamberlain (YouTuber)
17/18 years old

James Charles (Beauty Guru and YouTuber)19/20 years old

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James Charles (Beauty Guru and YouTuber)
19/20 years old

James Charles (Beauty Guru and YouTuber)19/20 years old

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Possibly more to come :)

Written By: unknown24356 and @Fan200523
Note:  *We will be alternating when posting the chapters*

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