Chapter 7

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Riley's POV
I came out of my room, in a rush.  I had just gotten a call from my agent.  There was a role he really wanted me to go out for, and I knew I would regret it if I didn't.

I felt terrible to leave at a time like this, but I also knew that it would be good for me to get out of the house for a while.  The twins could probably use a break from taking care of me, and Melody was clearly angry with me.  I wanted to be there for her, but I wasn't the type to push people.  The twins would take care of it much better than I would.

I rolled my suitcase down to the front door, checking my phone for when the Uber to the airport was coming.  20 minutes.   Enough time to grab some breakfast, explain what was going on, and say goodbye to my siblings.

I was about to step into the kitchen when I heard what sounded like sniffling from the outside of the door.   I froze and pressed my ear against the door.

"It's not your fault, E,"  I could hear Grayson's soft voice, which he used very rarely.   "You're allowed to be upset too."

"It is my fault,"  Ethan's voice replied, strangled with tears, "She felt like she couldn't talk to us because I was over here being a mess instead of being there for her, and also making it so that you couldn't be there for her."

I could hear someone shuffling around and I knew it was Grayson probably moving over to hug Ethan.  I then heard more shuffling and then a loud bang, followed by a loud gasp from Grayson.

Worried now, I moved to crack open the door.   Grayson was wrapping Ethan's hand in a towel and I couldn't see his face, but Ethan's was distressed.

Grayson finished wrapping his hand and I saw him look at his brother for a minute, sighing, before pulling his head to his chest and wrapping his arms around him tightly.

Ethan's face was fully pressed into Grayson's shoulder, and I couldn't tell if he was crying or not.  But then, I saw Grayson's hand go up to his back and saw him began to rub it gently and Ethan's voice muttered, smothered in tears, "I'm sorry, Gray," before completely bursting into tears, some of them even rolling down Grayson's arm, which I could see from here.

Grayson only pulled him closer, his arms holding him so comfortingly as Ethan's own hand, including his injured one laid limply on Grayson's sides.

A couple minutes passed.  I felt like I was intruding on such a personal moment, which I was, but I also couldn't look away.

I wished Melody and I could be more like that.   She never lets me help her, and I'm not always sure how to sometimes.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed.   Shit.   I quickly began to move away, but in turning, I accidentally tripped and fell forwards, grabbing the doorknob for support, swinging it open.

I quickly played it off.   Ethan pulled himself away from Grayson and wiped his eyes, turning around to face me.  I could see Grayson looking at me strangely, but I stepped fully in the kitchen.

"Is everything all right?"  I asked, as if it wasn't obvious.

Grayson wrapped his arm back around Ethan, moving over to sit at the table.   

"I'm going to get the first aid kit,"  Grayson told Ethan and I, before moving slowly out of the room, as if he expected me to talk to Ethan about what had just happened.  I sighed.  He definitely knew I knew.

"What happened, E?"  I peeked at my phone notification out of the corner.  10 minutes.  

"I'm okay, Riles.  Just...dealing with my shit, you know," he waved his hand, his voice still very shaky.  "Worried about your sister."

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