Chapter 3

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*Trigger warning for this chapter*  Please do not read if you think it will trigger you.  The events in this book are purely fiction, but the topics touched on are not and are very serious.  Thank you and remember, you are loved and you should never be afraid to ask for help.  I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ My DMs are always open 💜💜💜💜

Riley's POV
    "And then he just...started crying," my sister finished on the phone, her voice wavering as she reached the end of her sentence.
   "What did you guys do?"  I asked, worried. 

   "He wouldn't tell us what was wrong," Melody sighed.  "But we just waited until he calmed down for a bit, obviously trying to figure out what was wrong, and then Grayson helped him inside.  And then he just passed out in his bed."

   "D-Do you know if it was about Dad or something?"  I ran a hand through my long hair, standing up my phone against a tissue box so I could see Melody better on the FaceTime Call.

   "I'm sure that had something to do with it.   Also maybe just stress and stuff," Melody suggested.  "We both know that all our careers get really stressful sometimes."

    I nodded.  This was true.  All four of us were constantly in the public eye, constantly having to be and do our best.   We constantly feared letting people down.

   "Do you think I should come home?"  I blurted, and Mellie looked at me with shock, yet with understanding.

   "No, Riles," her voice was sympathetic.  "Gray and I will handle it, and he has Emma.  It'll be okay.  I'll keep you updated, okay?  I didn't mean to freak you out.  He's gonna be okay."

   My sister's words only eased the fear in my chest a little bit.   While we were closest to our own twins, I was always extremely close to Ethan while Melody was closer with Grayson.  Of course, we all loved and supported each other, but my bond with Ethan was something very near to my heart.

    Melody and I hung up, flashing our handshake, giggling, before doing so.  I plopped down on the couch in my trailer.  I really hoped Ethan was okay.  Because if he did need me, I would be there in an instant.

Grayson's POV
    I know that Ethan's been making up excuses as to where he's been going.   I'm not dumb.  Yeah, we've been busy and stuff lately, but that doesn't mean I don't know my own twin.

    For a while, I was worried he was doing something detrimental to his health and I was scared for him.  However, I then spoke to Emma who assured me it was nothing like that and Ethan would tell me when he was ready.

    Of course, Emma wasn't trying to worry me, but rather reassure me.   It had the opposite effect though.  What could Ethan possibly be doing that he didn't want to tell me about?

    We told each other everything.  We had to.  We had to be on the same page in raising our sisters, and in keeping our family together.

    I knew Ethan wasn't himself lately.  His smile wasn't as bright, and I could tell he was exhausted, despite the long amounts of time he spent in bed.

    It was time to confront him.   Especially after last night.  

    I haven't seen Ethan like that since our Dad was diagnosed with cancer a couple years ago.  Of course, I knew he had cried other times, but not in front of me.

    And definitely not with our little sister there.  

    I went to the kitchen and found Melody getting off the phone, probably with Riley.   I knew more than anyone that it was difficult to be separated from your twin.

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