Chapter 14

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Grayson POV

    I was becoming extremely worried.   It had been over an hour and Ethan was still crying with the same strength as before.   I felt absolutely terrible for him and I wanted nothing more than to take away his pain completely.
   I was also surprised that the girls hadn't come out of their rooms but I supposed that was for the best anyway.
   I continued to rub my brother's back, beginning to feel choked up myself.  I fought it down.  I was the one who had to take care of everyone, clearly. 
   Just as I was about to do something, anything....I could hear a shuddering breath and a deep sigh from Ethan, signaling that he was calming down.  He lifted his face from my shoulder, revealing the fact that he was utterly wrecked.  I did something I hadn't done in years, press a long kiss to his forehead as he sat up, clearly exhausted.  It never occurred to me as we settled in my bed that he had never told me exactly what was wrong, as I had just assumed it was because of our Dad.

Riley POV
    I woke up, and for a minute, everything was okay.   But then it all came crashing down once more and I was almost stricken to the bed with the force of it.    I eventually dragged myself out of bed to go and wash my face.
   I looked disgusting and I felt disgusting.   I managed my mess of hair into a low ponytail and headed downstairs.  It was quiet.  No one was there.
   The time was rather late as well.  I slipped back up the stairs and opened Melody's door, seeing she was fast asleep.  I opened Grayson's door slowly and found the two of them in his bed.  The memories of last night crashed down on me again and I felt some guilt begin to reveal itself. 
   Even though I felt as though my words were slightly justified, I knew it was too harsh and I knew I had made him cry. 
   I slipped into their room, sliding gently next to Ethan on the side of the bed, wrapping my arms around his chest. 
   "I'm sorry, E," I whispered and his eyes cracked open for a minute.
    "I'm so sorry," I buried my head in his chest and he simply cuddled me closer.  "It's okay."

Melody POV
    I awoke with a gasp, another nightmare plaguing me.   I sighed in frustration, and then opened my bedroom door, not wanting to be in my room anymore.   I opened the twins' room and was surprised to see Riles there.  
   I slipped next to Grayson and he pulled me closer to him instinctively.   I drifted off to sleep and we all didn't wake up for a few more hours.
    When I did, everyone else had left the bed.

Grayson POV
   About an hour after the girls slipped into my bed, I began to feel sick.  My temple pounded and my whole body felt hot.  I felt the urge to vomit and I ran into the bathroom as quietly as possible to do so, pain overtaking my body.
    Just when I was done, I began to puke again, tears building their way up in my eyes.  I splashed cold water on my face, feeling like absolute crap. 
    My eyes and face looked terrible and I wanted to curl back into bed, but I couldn't. 
    I slipped down the stairs, washed my hands and began to clean from last night, my stomach churning the entire time.
    When Ethan and Riley came downstairs, they sat on the couch together, barely greeting me and Melody joined them awhile later.
    Sad tension still brewed in the air.  The hurt was still there.
   I was about to go lay down when Ethan called to me to help him fix something, which I did.
   Later, I diffused a fight between the girls and comforted a crying Melody once more.  I felt terrible and couldn't help but feel the urge for a hug and some care.  It may have been selfish, but I couldn't stop the hurt.
  When my siblings were watching a movie, I slipped upstairs to cry like I did every day.  It was the only time where I could release my emotions without my siblings seeing.
  I cried into my blanket, eyes bleary and I immediately had to run to the bathroom to puke again, my body sick and achy.  I couldn't help that I started to cry harder, but I couldn't walk down the stairs like this now.
   I sat on the floor, bawling my eyes out in my fever clouded mind for so long, I didn't realize when Melody opened the door and kneeled down next to me in shock, picking up my chin to look at my face.
  "Are you sick?  Oh, Gray," She asked, pity radiating in my eyes.  I nodded and scrubbed at my eyes.  Melody put her chin on my forehead, and the almost motherly care made me tear up even more.
  She went under my cabinet, pulling out a washcloth and began to wipe my face gently as tears squeezed out of my eyes that she wiped gently.  I felt absolutely pathetic, but at the same time, I didn't want her to stop.  I wanted my mom.  I wanted my dad.
  Melody slipped into the other bathroom upstairs to grab a thermometer and a glass of water.   I drank it slowly before she put the thermometer under my tongue, stroking my hair gently as I continued to cry.
  It was pathetic that I couldn't stop myself from crying, but my tired and fever clouded mind didn't seem to be able to control anything.
  "Aw, Gray," she pulled the thermometer out and showed me the temperature that I could barely see through my tear-filled eyes.
   She began to look concerned and began to fill the bath tub, also handing me my bathing suit, reminding me that she had to stay with me.
   I crawled into the bathing suit as she turned away to the bath and I settled in it carefully as she continued to press a cold compress to my cheeks and forehead.
   "Gray, I'm so sorry," She wiped a tear that had slid all the way down to my neck.  "I know we take you for granted all the time and this just goes to show how selfish we were. I know it's hard for you to come to us, but you're allowed to be sad too, okay?"
   I smiled lightly, my tears beginning to slow a bit.
  After about 15 minutes of the bath, she handed me a towel and went to the bed to set it up for me, also handing me warm clothes.  I changed into them and laid back in my bed.
  Melody took my temperature one more time and was satisfied by it.  She kissed my cheek gently and shut the lights.
  "Call me if you need me, okay?" She ruffled my hair and left as I drifted into a deep sleep.

Melody POV
  I felt terrible for Grayson and terrible for my actions.  I returned to my living room, about to explain what had happened but I only found a crying Riley on the couch with Ethan no where in sight.
  "Riles, what happened?"
   "E needs help, Mellie."

Hey, guys!  Sorry for not updating.  I was super busy w school.  Hope ya enjoyed! 

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