Chapter 8

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Grayson's POV
I was supposed to be sleeping.  But I just couldn't.   I hated not having my little sisters with me.   It was torture.   I had developed such an overwhelming feeling to protect them at all costs, at all times.

Ethan was asleep not far from my own room, but I was terrified to even leave him there.   His breakdown today was one of many, but it obviously did nothing to decrease my worries.

Melody was also worrying me, but I knew she was going to see her friend and her parents, that our family very much so trusted.   Hopefully that would make her feel a little bit better.

Riley didn't seem like she was 100 percent, and I knew she heard what happened in the kitchen with Ethan before.  I didn't know if Ethan did, and I didn't want him to feel worse so I opted to not say anything.

Hopefully, getting back to work would help her.   I knew that filming videos always helped me.

I could feel my worries physically weighing on me.  I knew it was bad to bottle up stress and emotions, but they had nowhere else to go.  I didn't need to give my siblings something else to worry about.   They needed to know that someone was okay to be there for them.   I knew my sisters didn't feel they could talk to Ethan at the moment, so I had to show them that they could talk to me.   And Ethan...he needed me.   He's my twin and I knew him better than anyone.

I couldn't bear it anymore and moved to step out of bed.   Sometimes, running cleared my head.   I slid on my shoes and slipped outside, quickly checking on Ethan on the way.   I was happy to see him asleep in his bed.

I began to jog up a hill outside my house.   It was dark outside, but the street lamps helped to light my path just enough.   I plugged in my earbuds to listen to some Kid Cudi.   He always helped to calm me down. 

I ran and ran, the burn shifting my pain.   I ran and ran until I almost collapsed.   I checked my watch and realized I had been jogging for over 2 hours.  

It's crazy how fast time can fly when you're focused.

I walked back to my house, covered in sweat.   Anything to get rid of the pain.

Ethan's POV
When I woke up, I could hear the shower running from the down hall.   I knew that Grayson went out last night, but I also knew he needed it.

I was a mess, and I knew it.   The least I could do was be supportive of him as well, whatever he needed.

I slid out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.  I normally did not cook, but I would do anything for Gray right now, even something little.

I didn't feel like getting out of bed, but I didn't feel like laying in bed.

I was putting the final touches on the avocado toast when I realized over 25 minutes had passed and Grayson was still in the shower.

I frowned and headed over to Grayson's bathroom door and knocked.

"Gray?  You okay, bro?"

"E?"  I could hear him clearing his throat.   "Yeah, I'm fine."

I definitely didn't believe him.   I knew all the cover ups for hiding feelings and hiding tears.

I decided to sit on his bed and wait for him.   A couple minutes later, the water shut off and a couple more passed before the door swung open, revealing Grayson's tired and red eyes and sweats clothed body.

No words had to be spoken.   Words never had to be spoken between us sometimes.   I simply wrapped my arms around him and I could hear his breathing hitch.

I knew he didn't want to get emotional again, so I simply hugged him tighter.   Hugs were the best medicine.

Melody's POV
My mom's car pulled up in front of the airport and I moved to the trunk to put my stuff in. 

I then got in the passenger's seat, wincing slightly in pain, before happily hugging my mom.   My brothers were great, but nothing replaced a mother's love.

"Melody," she run her hands through my hair happily.   "I'm so happy to see you, sweetie.  How's everything been?"

I could see the fatigue in my mom's eyes, but she masked it well.   Dad being sick was painful for all of us, but her most of all.

"Good, Mom!  I'm excited to help prepare for the twins' party, but I also have to practice my dance as well.   I want to enter a competition around here."

She smiled.   "You're such a hard worker.   I'm so proud of you, and I know your dad will be as well.   Why couldn't Riley make it again?"

"Work," I shrugged.

My mom nodded understandingly.    "All right, let's go home!"

Just the thought of home relaxed me.   I could see my family, prepare for my brother's birthday, and dance.

I didn't have to deal with LA.   I didn't have to think about my siblings.   Maybe that made me a bad person, but I honestly didn't care.

Not caring was better.   I turned up the volume in the car and began to talk with my mom.  

I could be okay right here, right now.  Even just for my Dad.   Especially for him.

And maybe...just maybe, my siblings and I could be okay again soon.   Not right now....but soon.

Soon was the perfect answer for me.

Word Count: 927
Sorry for the shorter chapter!  Chapter 9 will be posted on unknown24356's profile!  She was having some trouble with WiFi so that's what I uploaded this one!  Thanks for reading, as always!

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