Chapter 13: New Member of the Group!

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     Eleven was laying on her bed, reading some magazines Max had shown her and given to her when she moved. There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" El called and Jonathon walked in. El looked up and smiled at him. "Hey. I'm going to run a few errands, do you want anything?" Jonathan asked and El shook her head. "No, thank you." El replied. "Okay, I'm droping Will off somewhere. Do you want me to drop you off somewhere too?" Jonathan asked. "I'm fine, thank you." El replied. "Okay." Jonathan agreed. El looked back down at her magazine.
     Jonathan walked downstairs and to his mom. "Where's Will?" Jonathan asked. "Waiting for you in the car." Joyce replied and Jonathon smiled. "He's excited to go to the new comoc book store that just opened." Jonathan commented and Joyce laughed. "Well, he hadn't been out much since we moved." Joyce told him. "Yeah, neither has Eleven." Jonathon agreed. "Is she going with you?" Joyce asked. "No." Jonathan replied. "What is she doing?" Joyce asked. "Reading a magazine." Jonathan replied and Joyce nodded. "Well, you should get going." Joyce told him. "Okay." Jonathan agreed and he walked out.
     Nancy walked to the basement and saw Mike looking at his Dungeons and Dragons board game. "Mike, are you okay?" Nancy asked. Mike looked up at her and sighed as he put the game away and stood up. "I'm fine." Mike replied. "Are you positive?" Nancy asked. "Yes, Nancy." Mike replied. "Well, I'm going to the store for mom. Is there something I can get you?" Nancy asked. "Just a bag of chips." Mike replied and Nancy nodded. She was about to walk upstairs, but looked back at her younger brother again. "Do you want to come with me and get out of the house?" Nancy asked and Mike shook his head. "I'll be fine here." Mike replied. "Come on, Mike. It's bettee then staying here and feeling sad that your best friend and girlfriend aren't in this town anymore. Trust me, I know how that feels. That's why I prefer to keep myself busy, or I'll stay sad over Jonathan, and that doesn't do anyone any good." Nancy explained and Mike smiled at his big sister. "Thanks, Nanc." Mike commented. "That's what big sisters are for. Come on, let's go." Nancy told him. They both ran up the stairs and out the door.
      Suzie knocked on Dustin's door. Claudia, Dustin's mom, opened it and smiled at her. "Come in, dear Suzie." Claudia told her. "Thank you, Mrs. Henderson." Suzie commented. Suzie walked in and Claudia closed the door behind her. "Dustin! Your girlfriend is here!" Claudia exclaimed. Dustin walked out of his room and smiled at her. "Come in." Dustin told her. She smiled at him as tbey walked into his room. "Hey." Suzie greeted as she gave him a kiss. "How was your day with Max?" Dustin asked and Suzie sighed as they both sat down. "It didn't go so well." Max replied. "What do you mean?" Dustin asked. "I love science and she loves skateboarding and shopping. We just have nothing in common." Suzie replied. "I think you should try again. You tried something she likes, maybe she can try something you like." Dustin suggested. "I don't know." Suzie told him. "Just think about it." Dustin told her and she nodded. "Let's talk about something else." Suzie told him and he smiled. "Okay." Dustin agreed.
     El was still laying on her stomach as she read her magazine with her bed door open when Joyce walked in. "May I come in?" Joyce asked and El looked up. "Sure." El replied. She sat up and put the magazine on her nightstand. Joyce sat on the end of her bed. "We are going to go out." Joyce told her. "Out where?" El asked. "I don't know yet. Maybe out to dinner or a shopping spree, you could use some new clothes." Joyce replied. "I-I don't know." El told her. "You need to get out, Eleven. You can't stay here and be sad that you can't see your boyfriend and friends everyday. You need to go out and have some fun." Joyce explained and El nodded. "Okay." El agreed. "So, we'll go to a restaurant and then to the mall. We'll have some girl time." Joyce suggested and El smiled. "That sounds like fun." El agreed.
     El and Joyce had a really nice time at the restraunt. Then they went in an out of stores in the mall, and they both bough a few different clothing. "Do you want to check out some jewelry?" Joyce asked. "I've never owned any jewelry, so okay." El replied and Joyce laughed. They walked into a jewelry store and looked around. Joyce found a beautiful charm bracelet that she liked. El found a beautiful pendant with a red heart that had an arrow throw it. She smiled as she decided to buy it. She also found a necklace that had an E on it. She smiled as Joyce walked up to her. "Find anything?" Joyce asked. "I found this pendant and a necklace with an E on it." El replied. "You could have a necklace made with your name on it." Joyce told her. "Really?" El asked. "Yeah." Joyce replied. "That's cool." El commented. Joyce walked up to the counter. "Can you make a necklace to say 'Eleven' on it?" Joyce asked. "I can, I can have it done for you in a week." The clerk replied. "Thank you." Joyce commented. "So, you want to by the charm bracelet and the heart pendant. Do you want prepay for the Eleven necklace?" The clerk asked. "No." Joyce replied. "Okay." The clerk agreed and El smiled.
     Max opened her front door to see Dustin. "I know that El's your best friend, but can't you try to be friends with Suzie?" Dustin asked. "I did try, and it didn't go that well. We don't have anything in common." Max replied. She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. "Our party started with just me, Lucas, Mike, and Will. Then El joined and it took a little while for everyone to accept her, mostly Lucas. Then when you joined, it took even longer for everyone to accept you, mostly Mike. Now Suzie is joining, and it's taking a while for everyone to accept her as well. Mike wanted El to join, Lucas wanted you to join, and I want Suzie to join. There's a pattern here." Dustin explained and Max sighed. "What's your point?" Max asked. "I want Suzie to feel like a part of the group. Like you and El." Dustin replied. "I like her and we can hang out in the group. But she won't have any fun doing what I like and I won't have any fun doing what she likes." Max told him. "Could you at least try doing something she likes before you make your decision about this?" Dustin asked and Max sighed. "I'll think about it." Max replied and Dustin nodded. "Okay." Dustin agreed.
     Max had a her hair in a braid and knocked on Suzie's door. Suzie opened it and smiled at her. It was late and dark out. They agreed to look at the stars through a telescope and have a slumber party. "Hey, come in." Suzie greeted as Max walked in. "Thanks." Max commented as Suzie closed the door behind her. "Follow me." Suzie told her. They walked into Suzie's room and Max looked around. "This is nice." Max commented. "Thanks." Suzie commented as she opened the doors that led to the balcony that had a telescope. Max followed her out there. "Great view." Max commented. "I know." Suzie agreed. Suzie got the telescope read as Max looked up at the sky. "I don't know much about stars, or science. Not like the guys." Max told her. "A star is an astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun..... I'm a big science nerd." Suzie told her. "I'm not." Max told her. Suzie looked into the telescope. "I see the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. There's Ursa Major, and there's the Ursa Minor. Yay, I dound the Orion.... And there's the Scorpius." Suzie explained. "I guess that can be the interesting." Max commented. "Do you want to see?" Suzie asked and Max shook her head. "No thanks." Max replied.

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