Chapter 15: Older Siblings Part 1!

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    It was six at night. Nancy sighed after she got home from work. It was a long day and she was very tired. She laid her purse on the couch, next to her mom. Karen smiled up at her daughter. "How was work?" Karen asked. "Long day. I was on the road all day, for the company's newest story. It was not an easy one. But on the bright side, it means they trust me with some of their biggest and most important stories." Nancy replied and Karen smiled. "That's good, sweetie. I'm happy for you." Karen told her and she smiled. "I'm working on this story again tomorrow, so I'll have another long day." Nancy told her. "Make sure you don't skip lunch, Nancy." Karen told her and Nancy nodded. "I won't, mom." Nancy agreed. "Good." Karen commented and Nancy laughed. "I'm going to call Jonathan and then go to sleep." Nancy told her and she nodded. "Okay." Karen agreed. Nancy walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone as she dialled her boyfriend's number.
     Jonathan finished getting ready for work. He walked downstairs and saw his mom in the living room. "Hey, off to work?" Joyce asked. "In about ten minutes." Jonathan replied. "Have a good day." Joyce commented and she smiled. The kitchen phone started ringing. "I'll get it." Jonathan told her. "Okay." Joyce agreed. He walked into the kitchen and answered the phone. "Hello." Jonathan greeted. "Hey, Jonathan." Nancy greeted and Jonathon smiled. "Hey yourself, Nancy." Jonathan greeted and she grinned. "Sorry I didn't call you back yesterday, I was exhausted." Nancy apologized. "That's okay, Nanc. We've both been really busy." Jonathan told her. "I'm working on this really big story. I just got home and I left in four in the morning." Nancy told her. "Wow. That must have been tough." Jonathan commented and Nancy nodded. "It was, Jonathan, and I have to work on the same story all of tomorrow. But it's not all bad." Nancy told her. "I'm happy you like this job. Our last job was terrible." Jonathan commented. "No, it was terrible for me." Nancy told him. "Fair enough." Jonathan agreed. "When do you go into work?" Nancy asked. "In about five minutes." Jonathan replied. "Then I'll let you go, I need to catch up on some sleep anyways." Nancy told him. "Okay, I love you." Jonathan told her. "I love you too." Nancy agreed and they hung up.
    Nancy woke up and saw that it was midnight. She sighed as she sat up. She walked into the restroom and splashed some water on her face. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. These long hours were killing her, but she figured she'll get use to it soon enough. She knew she wasn't going back to sleep at this point. She was starving. She hadn't eaten in several hours. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She made some coffee and started cooking the left over meat loaf. She sat at the table and started drinking her coffee. She had to go into work at four in the morning, so she had four hours to kill. The kitchen light turned on and she turned around to see her little brother. "What are you doing up?" Nancy asked. "I was going to ask you the same thing." Mike replied. "I asked you first." Nancy replied and Mike sighed as he sat across from her. "I wasn't able to sleep." Mike told her. "Why not?" Nancy asked. Mike didn't answer right away. He looked down for a moment and then looked back up. "I had a nightmare, and then I couldn't go back to sleep. Or mors like, didn't want to." Mike replied. "That's terrible." Nancy commented and Mike nodded. "And what about you?" Mike asked. "I've been asleep for several hours, and I have to go to work soonish." Nancy replied and Mike nodded as he stood up. "I should go back to my room." Mike told her. "Try and get some sleep." Nancy told him. "I'll try." Mike agreed and he walked back upstairs.
      Jonathan got home pretty late. He walked in and saw Will on the couch of the living room. He woke Will up and he looked around. "Jonathan? Home already?" Will asked sleepily as he sat up. "It's past midnight." Jonathan replied. "It is?" Will asked and Jonathon nodded. "Yes." Jonathan replied and Will sighed. "Oh." Will commented. "Why are you down here?" Jonathan asked. "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I came down here and apparently fell back to sleep." Will replied. "Are you okay, Will?" Jonathan asked and he sighed. "Not really." Will replied. "Are you still upset about everything that happened with the Mind Flayer and the Upside Down?" Jonathan asked. Will was really upset about what is going on right now, but he can't tell his brother that. Not yet, anyways. No one but him, El, and their friends can know what's going on until it becomes really serious. Most likely, when they go to Hawkins during Christmas vacation. Everyone will definitely find out at that time, there won't be anymore hiding it, they wouldn't be able to if they wanted. Will looked up at his older brother. "Yeah." Will replied and Jonathon gave his little brother a hug. "It'll get better, Will." Jonathan told him. "Thanks." Will commented.
       Johnathan convinced Will to go upstairs and try to go back to bed. Jonathon walked into the kitchen and began to dial the Wheeler's. He knew no one would probably answer, but he wanted to make sure before he went to bed. "Hello." Nancy greeted. "Hey, Nanc. You're up?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah, couldn't go back to sleep." Nancy replied. "That sucks." Jonathan commented. "Not really, I've been asleep for a while and have to go to work soon anyways." Nancy told him and he smiled. "Then that's good." Jonathan commented and Nancy laughed. "And why are you still up?" Nancy asked. "I just got home. I wanted to see if you're up before I go to sleep, but I was surprised that you actually were." Jonathan replied. "Well, you should probably get some rest. I love you and goodnight." Nancy told him. "I love you too. Goodnight." Jonathan told her. They hung up and Jonathon went upstairs.

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