Chapter 22: Relationships Part 1!

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      Eleven and Mike made out on the couch of the basement. They pulled away and smiled. "I've missed this." Mike commented and Eleven nodded. "Me too, Mike." El agreed. He stroked her hair and out a lock of it behind her ear. "I love you." Mike told her. "I love you too." El agreed. "Do you want to go on a date tonight? A real date?" Mike asked and Eleven grinned. "Yes, that sounds lovely." El replied. Mike turned on music from the radio and leaned in, kissing her passionately. They heard footsteps and looked up to see Nancy walking down the basement stairs. She stopped and they all starred in an awkward silence. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Nancy apologized. "What do you want, Nancy?" Mike asked. "I'm making lunch while mom's out." Nancy replied and Mike turned to Eleven. "What do you want to eat?" Mike asked. "A sandwich will be fine." El replied and Mike nodded as he turned back to his older sister. "Two sandwiches." Mike told her and she nodded. "Okay. Don't do anything stupid." Nancy wanted and he sighed. "We won't." Mike told her. She nodded and walked back upstairs. "What was she talking about?" El asked and Mike shook his head. "Nothing." Mike replied and Nancy nodded. They leaned in and kissed again.
     Nancy walked back upstairs and to the kitchen. Jonathan was cooking a couple hotdogs, for him, Nancy, and Will. "What did they want?" Jonathan asked. "Sanwiches." Nancy replied as she got the ingredients. "They seem to be having fun." Jonathan commented and Nancy laughed. "Yeah, they've really missed each other." Nancy agreed and Jonathon nodded. "I can relate to that." Jonathan told her and she smiled. "So can I." Nancy agreed. They starred at one another for a moment, but were interrupted by footsteps. They went back to what they were doing. Jonathan looked up and saw Will walking in. "Hey, your hotdogs are almost ready." Jonathan told him and Will nodded. "Thanks." Will commented. Nancy looked up and smiled at him. "Are you enjoying your time here?" Nancy asked and Will smiled. "I am. It's been nice, being around my friends again." Will replied. "Maybe we can move back to Hawkins someday." Jonathan suggested and Will smiled. "You think?" Will asked. "I do. Mom just needed a break from here, and we all can understand that." Jonathan replied and Will nodded. "Definitely." Will agreed. He walked back into the living room ahd Nancy looked at her boyfriend. "I hope you do move back here soon." Nancy told him and he smiled. "So do I, Nanc." Jonathan agreed.
       Lucas rode his bike to Max's house. She smiled at him from the porch. She was leaning up against the railing. He walked up her and kissed her. "Is that a new shirt?" Lucas asked and Max nodded. "I got it at the mall yesterday." Max replied. "It's nice." Lucas told her and Max smiled. "Thank you, Lucas." Max commented. She pulled him close and kissed him again. After a few moments, they pulled away and locked eyes. "We should have a movie night." Lucas suggested. "I'm in. What movie?" Max asked. "I don't know. We can find something on our way here later today. The store that Steve works at." Lucas replied and Max nodded. "Sounds like a plan." Max agreed. "What do you want to do until then?" Lucas asked. "Just hang out, just the two of us." Max replied and Lucas grinned. "I love that idea." Lucas agreed. "Good." Max commented and Lucas laughed. "I love you." Lucas told her. "I love you too." Max agreed. They leaned in and kissed passionately.
      Dustin and Suzie rode their bikes around and stopped outside Dustin's house. "That was fun." Suzie commented and Dustin smiled. "Do you want to hang out here?" Dustin asked and Suzie shook her head. "We should go inside and work on science." Suzie replied. "That would be great." Dustin agreed. Suzie grabbed his hand and they walked inside. Dustin's mom sat on her chair as she stroked her pet cat. "Having fun?" Ms. Henderson asked. "Lots." Dustin replied as they headed toward his room. "Good.... What are you guys planning on doing?" Ms. Henderson asked. "Working on science." Dustin replied and his mom nodded. "Have fun." Ms. Henderson commented. They walked in his room and Suzie looked at her telescope she had brought over earlier that day. "Studying more stars tonight?" Dustin asked. "Haven't decided." Suzie replied. "If you do, I'll go with you." Dustin told her and she grinned. "Then yes." Suzie agreed. "It's a date." Dustin commented. They leaned in closer and kissed. "We can go on that hill we went on my first day in town." Suzie suggested. "I'm in." Dustin agreed. "Tonight?" Suzie asked and Dustin nodded. "Tonight." Dustin replied.
     Nancy finished getting dressed. Jonathan was taking her out somewhere special, said he had a surprise for her. She was excited, and had no idea what the surprise could be. Nancy walked downstairs and saw Jonathan waiting for her in a tuxedo, and grinned at him. "You look beautiful." Nancy commented. "And you look very handsome." Jonathan commented. "Ready?" Jonathan asked. "Let's go." Nancy replied. He held out her hand and she accepted it. He led her outside and they drove away. The car ride was mostly silent, but it didn't take long for them to get to the restraunt. They had already ordered and were waiting for their dinner. "So, how's your job?" Jonathan asked. "Great. Such better coworkers then our last job, I can't stress that enough." Nancy replied and Jonathon laughed. "That's good, I'm glad." Jonathan told her. "And you?" Nancy asked. "My jobs going great." Jonathan replied and Nancy smiled. "Good." Nancy commented. "I was going to wait until after desert to show you your surprise, but I can't wait anymore." Jonathan told her and she grinned. "Okay." Nancy agreed. "Okay, I'm going to keep this see short and right to the point. The thing is I love you, Nancy. More then anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?" Jonathan asked as he held out a diamond engagement ring. Nancy gasped as she looked at the ring and back at him.

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