1. Disney Movie Night

189 15 1

May, 2008.

Ava's POV.
My name is Ava Jeanne Simmons and I fell in love Aaron Knight on the very first day I laid eyes on him in Edgar Allen High School.

I observe the written words on my old journal and bite the inside of my lip thoughtfully.
Perhaps a little too much.

In a very careful way, I turn a little to my right towards the sound of his voice, and there he is. Jet black hair perfectly combed except the top that is a little ruffled, sparkling hazel eyes, the perfect brows and a wide smile. He is in the midst of Damon Wilde and Bradley Manning, occupied by their conversation and I take the moment to dwell at the sight of him.

Okay, so maybe it's a little too much to say I "fell in love" with Aaron.
14 year old me didn't know any better, but she sure as heck knew I felt something for him.

I've lost track of how long I've been staring and Aaron catches my gaze in a side glance. I can see his smile brighten a little as winks at me and my legs turn to jelly.

"Still lusting after my brother after four years, Ava?" Peyton asks as she deliberately stands in my front to block my view and I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm not lusting after him." I say, trying and failing to sound defensive as I can feel my cheeks heating up and Peyton smiles in return.

"Look at you! Turning red like a tomato. He'll be graduating soon and you've barely said a full sentence to him since you met him." Peyton continues as I unlock my locker and drop my books, adding my old journal to the pile.

"That's not a fair assumption. I tell him 'hey' and 'hi' every morning after sleepovers at your house." I tell her proudly and she nudges me as we head for the cafeteria.

"Don't use the advantage of our friendship as an excuse. Have a full conversation with him. For once." Peyton says and I turn around briefly to catch a glimpse of Aaron. He has his full attention on Tiffany Maris as she runs her hand up his jawline, speaking softly and he smiles back at her with equal interest.

"When pigs fly, my friend. When pigs fly." I say and Peyton turns back as well.

"So he is a little popular, so what?" She says and I give her a look.

"Really, Pey? A little popular? President of the debate team, chess club and head of the basketball team. Not to mention most athletic--"

"Alright, I get it."

"I still don't get why you're so comfortable with this." I say to her as we each grab a tray and she frowns slightly.

"You already know this. As your best friend, it's my duty to encourage you in anything that makes you happy. Aaron being my brother doesn't change anything, our friendship is stronger than that. Plus I really don't want to know if you guys hook up or not, I just think you guys would have a cool friendship."

It's the same speech everytime. The one constant thing that campaigns a possible relationship between Aaron and I and it's from his own sister.
Yet the idea of possibly being snubbed or ignored remains in my head and that alone helps me refrain from having more than one worded conversations with him.

That and the number of girls that are equally head over heels for him, that are so comfortable in showing their feelings for him as they swarm him.

I hadn't earned that right yet.

"You know what? It's none of my business anyway, I just hope you remember tonight is our throwback Disney movie night." Peyton says, excitedly dismissing the conversation about her brother as we take our seats and I laugh.

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