3. Aaron James Knight

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January, 2018.

Ava's POV

"Please, don't do this." Mike begs as he holds my hand across the table.

"Please. Tell me you're not serious, tell me this is a joke." He pleads and I let out a sigh.
Oh, God.
I have got to restart my rule of 'no sleeping over' after one night stands.

"I thought we had a good time yesterday. I just thought it would be nice to get to know each other--" he persists but I cut him off.

"We did have a good time. We met at a party, we had drinks, we had sex. That's it. You didn't have to bring me breakfast in bed and you definitely didn't have to make a reservation here." I tell him as calmly as I can, but Michael Preston doesn't let go of my hand. With his deep, blue eyes and chocolate brown hair, it's easy to remember why I wanted him so bad last night.

"I only came here to let you know in person that no relationship can ever happen between us. We're adults and these things happen. We had a good time but it's over now." I say and pull my hand away.

"But Ava, I really like you."

"I'm sorry, Michael, but I don't do relationships." And with that, I get up and exit the restaurant.

The minute I get into my car, I kick off my shoes and lean back, letting out a tired groan.
"That's the last time I ever sleep over." I mutter to myself before turning on the car.
Atleast it is over now, so I can go back to my apartment, kickback with a few glasses of wine and binge watch Family Guy.

It had been a hectic week of wedding planning and although the end results were always worth it, it was a big relief to have a weekend to myself.
No bridezillas.
No mixed flower orders or wrong cake flavours.
No venue bookings on last minute and definitely no weather disasters.

Just me and 48 hours of laziness.

With that calming thought in mind, I finally get to my apartment building and ride the elevator on bare feet, eager to get to my apartment and take off my clothes and sink into my claw foot bathtub.
Scented candles.
Bubble bath wash.
Some R&B music and a few glasses of wine.

The red light on my answering machine is beeping the moment I unlock the door and I press the button, listening to the messages play while I take off my clothes.

'Ava honey, we need to talk. My niece's fiance just proposed and you have to plan the wedding! Call me!"

'Ava, I thought we had a swell time last week! Why aren't you taking my calls? I miss you and I still want to take you out to dinner. Call me back!'

"Urgh. Who still says 'swell?'" I mutter unpleasantly at the unfamiliar voice as I pour myself a glass of wine.

'Ava, your file got back to me and it turns out you haven't taken a leave or vacation in over a year now. This weekend off might extend for a whole 2 months so embrace it. I'm not risking a law suit on my hands.'
My boss's words make me wince a little at the idea of a forced leave and I pour more wine into my glass.
Then the next words I hear, along with the voice, causes me to pause instantly.

'AJ!!! BITCH I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! Nick popped the question tonight and I said YES! Can you believe it?! Call me back, AJ, because you're so planning my wedding! We have so much to talk about, I'll meet you for coffee tomorrow at noon! Love you!"

I stare at the wine in my hand as I absorb the message.
Peyton is getting married?
The joy I feel for her is suddenly overshadowed by the pity I feel for myself.
Where did the time go?
Has she really been dating Nick for 3 years?

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