9.5 Under the Stars.

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As we drive to the designated location for the surprise, I hold Ava's hand in mine at the intersection.
Enjoying every second with her, every feel of her.
Ever since her sudden announcement, it almost feels as if the moments are fleeting by and I have to grab hold of them now.

After a few minutes, I park at the open space near the campsite and I watch as Ava stares, amazed.

In the open field, I had set up a large, tent on the wide, green lawn. And with the lights on the inside, fireflies dancing around and stars shining bright above, the scenario almost looked like something out of a fairytale.
Ava steps out of the car, her jaw hanging open and I step out too, following her as she walks towards the tent, taking in the scenery.
Then she steps inside the tent that is lit brightly, giving it a golden glow, and fully stacked with a bed, comforters and blankets, pillows, champagne and some berries.

I observe her unfiltered reaction as she stares in bewilderment and awe, her eyes drinking in the place.

"What...? How did you...? This is amazing!" She whispers, and turns to me, staring at me dreamily and something in me swells up and bursts at the sight of affection in her eyes.
She likes it.
She really likes it.
I didn't think I could make her so giddy again, but I did.

"Surprise." I say and she bites her lip as she comes closer, eyes glistening under the light.

"Are...are we spending the night here?" She asks softly and my gaze drops to her full lips, being nibbled between her teeth.

"Only if you want. I got us covered, even with a change of clothes." I say as she wraps her arms around my neck and her eyes search mine.

"When did you get the time to do all this?" She asks, amazed.

"I had all day." I murmur, my eyes fixated on her lips.

"You spent your entire day to prepare this for me?" She asks in a hushed whisper.

"Anything to make sure you get the perfect night." I say and she blushes unashamedly.

"Why would you do all this for me? No matter how many times I pushed you away. Why me, Aaron?" She whispers, leaning close, baring her emotions openly and I sweep my hands around her waist, pulling her even closer.

"Ava Jeanne, I don't care how this may sound or how it might make me look. But I have feelings for you. It's been ten years and for every single morning that I wake up, you're still the first person that comes to mind. Having you spend this one month with me has been an adventure that I enjoyed every part of. I just want the end to be just as special."

The end.
It feels painful but I have to say it.
I don't want Ava thinking that I want to keep her behind....

Even though the last thing I want is for her to leave.

"I hate to hear you call it the end." She says softly, our faces close and the emotions I see in her eyes almost take my breath away.

"Then let's not focus on that. Let's focus on now. Let's focus on here. Let's focus on us in this moment, Ava." I say and she let's out a laugh that almost sounds like a sob.

"Aaron, I...." she trails off, her eyes clouded with uncertainty.

"What is it?" I ask and she sighs.

"I want you to kiss me. I want you to hold me, to feel me, to make this night last for as long as we can hold on to it." She whispers, and delicately plants her soft lips on mine, kissing me slowly, teasing my lips.

Then my hold around her waist tightens, bringing her body firm against mine as my hand snakes up her back and our lips merge in need.

We take our time with the kiss, exploring each other's mouth, teasing and nibbling and tasting. Then I slowly move my lips to her bare collarbone, sucking and kissing while Ava let's out the sexiest moan ever, almost causing me to rip off her clothes and take her right there.

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