4. Enough Talking

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Aaron's POV

'It's not worth anything. Not to me atleast.'

Ava's words still sting even though she had said them the night before, and all night I had been busy thinking of her.

Was it just me or did she get taller?
And thicker?
I hadn't seen her smile once since yesterday but I know she's taken her braces off.

It was clear she didn't want to be around me and that she wasn't excited about staying with me either, and yet there is nothing I can do to change that.

At the airport, when I'd offered her a hug, she had looked at me like she saw something ugly, something she didn't want to be reminded off. And from the looks of it, I might have to get used to it.

It's not like I'm trying to rekindle what we had before...if we even had a chance to have anything. But for some reason, it kills me a little to know that everytime Ava looks at me, she sees something in me that disappoints her.
That pushes her away.

For about the 20th time this evening, I try to push Ava off my mind and focus on the basketball article I'm writing for the sports column.
I sip the whiskey in my glass just as I hear the sound of the front door shutting, followed by fast footsteps that echo in the living room.

She was back.

She had left in the morning without a word, wearing a colourful jumpsuit that complimented every curve of her figure and it had taken every willpower I had not to tell her that she looked good or that she scented of lemon or even ask if she had eaten.

It was obvious that she wanted to send a clear message of privacy, but the thing is....I'm not ready to listen.

Ava's POV

I hold my breath as I walk past the patio where I can see Aaron typing and sipping a drink.
Oh, God I would kill for a drink right now.

It had amazed me earlier today, when Peyton told me that he writes for SLAM magazine and also works as a private basketball coach.
The vague memory of him telling me that he writes comes from the same painful part I keep trying to forget.
It wasn't like I hated him, it just hurt to look into his eyes and see someone that i could have had an amazing history with.
And no matter how many times I tried to get Aaron off my mind, I couldn't do it.

Not when we went to see the Reverend.
Not when we went to make arrangements for the park.
Not when we were busy selecting the flower combination.
Not even when I went to see my dad and Gina.

Everytime my mind got idle, it wandered off to how he looked this morning, sipping hot chocolate and going through the papers and also to how he had apologised last night.

"You okay?" His voice interrupts my thoughts and I jump a little, startled to see him standing so close and my room key drops in the process.

"I'm fine." I say and snatch the key out of his hand after he picks it up.

"You sure? Because you've been standing in this exact spot for a long time." He says, eyes on me and I look away as I successfully unlock the door.

"Well, you don't have to worry because I'm about entering my room." I say and just as I attempt to step in, he gently holds me back.

"Wait, Ava--"

"Why do you feel this sudden urgency to hold a conversation with me?" I ask defensively, folding my arms and he surprises me by smiling.

"You remember the last time you did that around me?" He asks as he steps closer and I take in a shaky breath, refusing to accept the effect his eyes had on me.

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