5. Grocery Shopping

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Ava's POV

I'm awoken by the sound of my phone ringing and I moan tiredly as I stretch out to grab it.

"Hello?" I grumble.

And I'm responded by a loud, thrilling scream that causes me to sit up in alarm.


"Ava, you won't believe what is happening!! The florist called to confirm the order of flowers and she ordered red roses instead of white!!! The orders have already been confirmed! What the hell am I supposed to do?!" She screams and I'm ready out of bed, scrambling to brush my teeth and pack my hair while she keeps ranting.

".....and the bridal shop said they have my pearl white dress ready! Pearl white?! I specifically asked for Porcelain white and champagne gold for the bridesmaids! I could get there and find out she probably ordered mustard yellow!" At this point Peyton is close to tears and I've hastily slipped on a dark green gown with white sneakers.

"I don't know what to do--"

"Peyton!" I yell out her name to interrupt her and she pauses.


"Deep breaths, okay? Deep. Breaths. I'm on my way to the florist, meet me there. But I promise to fix it before you get there. Okay?" I tell her assuredly as I head out of my room.
I can hear her take in a deep breath and let it out.

"Okay." She says hesitantly and I end the call.
I race to the kitchen where Aaron is seated at the breakfast island, sipping his usual hot chocolate.
We hadn't spoken for two days after that night and I still can't tell if it's because he was mad at me for leaving or because he thought it was something more.
That we were something more.

"Aaron, please I need your help. I have to get to the florist and fix a code red, literally." I say to him as he looks up at me, with a shocked expression.

"What, now?" He asks, and gets up quickly.

"Yes, now! Can you please drive me?" I plead and he grabs his keys.

"Sure, let me put on a shirt." He says and rushes into his room, emerging almost immediately as he slips on a white tshirt.

Within a few minutes, we're in the car and our way to the florist.
Thankfully, Peyton hasn't gotten there yet and I get out of the car and head inside quickly.

"I'm here for my friend Peyton Knight. We ordered flowers here two days ago and I'm just hearing that there has been an error." I say to then attendant and she nods, typing into a laptop.

"Yes, miss. We got information that they erroneously confirmed red roses instead of white and the order has already been carried out." She says to me.

"Can't you order another set of 8 dozen white roses? How long will it take?" I ask her and she shrugs sadly,

"It's a big order and might end up coming atleast a week after the wedding date." She says and I rub the bridge of my nose.

"Alright, umm..." I say and I hear Aaron behind me,

"What's wrong?" He asks, his gaze going from the florist to me.

"Color accident." I tell him, my mind reeling in finding a way to fix this.

Then it hits me.

"Do you have another retail shop that the order might pass before coming here?" I ask the lady and her eyes widen in excitement.

"Yes! It passes our other shop right in South End." She says, already grabbing on to the idea.

"Fantastic! Please see if they can switch the red for white when the order passes there."
I say to the lady and she begins to make the call.

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