cahp 9

7 0 0

wh- where am i?

what happened?


can anybody hear mea/







the... other one?

         The room is pitch black. I can't see anything. I have had a bit of time to adjust to the light, or rather, the lack thereof, but still, nothing can be seen. There is no hint of light. No sliver coming in from the gap between the door and the floor. No windows. Nothing. A strand of hair falls onto my face and I lift a hand to brush it. What? I can't move my arms. I try again. And again. When my senses finally start fully functioning again, I realize that I can feel rough rope against my wrists. It hurts. I can't move my legs, either. My ankles are tied to the legs of the chair I'm sitting in. Well, if I even am sitting in a chair. With my arms tied behind my back and to the chair, as well as my legs immobilized, I can't do anything. I sigh in defeat.


         I was taught to run, I was taught to fight. If I ever want to see the light of day again, I must try to escape. My toes are touching the floor. I try to push the chair. It doesn't budge. I shift my weight from left to right. Still, the chair stays still. I can only assume the chair, made of metal, is welded to the ground. Also made of metal. Though I still can't think clearly as my head hurts badly. Hold on. What even happened? How did I get here? Why can I remember none of it? The last thing I remember happening is Natasha saying something about the next chapter. Huh. I can't remember anything after that. Almost as if there was a gap in the story. But... Something had to have happened. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. And it doesn't make any sense for me to have gone unconscious right after she said that, right? And there's no way that I just suddenly teleported here right after she said that... right? 

         My arms are sore from being stuck behind my back for so long. So are my legs. The rope around my ankles must have been tied tight. Or, maybe it's because of the position my feet are in with my toes on the ground and heels on the leg of the chair. Bent at the balls of my feet. My toes are numb. I don't even know how long I've been here for. Please. Someone. Anyone...

         Help me.

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