Chapter 42

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*Louises point of view*

Seeing the look of discomfort I angrily wiped the lipstick of his face making sure no stainage was left on his skin before grunting and letting go. I needed to be more firm with him otherwise he'll run a marathon rather than the inch given!
Feeling the car pull into the underground car park, I heaved our a sigh of relief when I spotted the lift. The thing I hated most about being at a new job was walking through the front door and everyone looking at you confused as to who this person was. At least with the direct access I can work my way inside out so that when I do walk through the door people will recognise me. Feeling optimistic about the new job I followed Alex into the lift and anxiously waited for our floor to ding. The lift finally stopped and before I could exhale, Alex walked out with his long strides not once looking back which let me know that he was on strictly business mode. Doing my best to catch up, I half sped walked half ran to catch up with him which must have been a usual occurrence because the people on the floor simply gave my understanding and pitying looks. Finally catching up to him, I realised he was waiting for me at the front of the room where he turned me around to face everyone before explaining.

'Every, this is Louise and she is my new Personal Assistant, I hope you make her feel welcome and help explain if she needs help,' he said as he swept a glance over the room where people simply nodded their heads, ' follow me Louise I'll show you to your area and explain what I expect of you.'
Quietly, I followed him into his office where I finally relaxed as I finally realised how ridiculous I was behaving. No one can tell that I've made out with my boss from just looking at me and Alex was doing a good job at keeping it professional.

'That is your office, everything you need will be in there,' he said as he pointed to a room next door to his, 'there is interconnected doors between our two offices but you also have a main door for other staff members to enter if they need you.'
I followed him into the office only to let out a gasp in horror at how messy and disorganised it all was . There was paper everywhere, drawers were over spilling and old coffee cups and holders. You could just tell it used to belong to a male.
'Your first Job is to fix this mess and go through this folder it'll explain everything you need to know about this job. Once your finished just come through and I'll take you on a tour of the office.'

Before I could say anything, Alex had already left the room and closed the door leaving me in the smelly box room. Grunting, I opened the door before starting to organise all the paperwork as well as simultaneously reading the folder left to me because I realised very quickly i didn't understand half of what
Z sprayed some perfume before being satisfied with my work. Picking up a notebook and pen, I knocked once on the connecting door before walking through to find Alex furiously typing on his computer. Deciding to wait till he was done, I stood quietly for 15 minutes before my stomach let out an embarrassingly loud protest.

'I was wondering how long it'll take,' Alex chuckled as he stopped whatever he was doing and stretched with a low groan. My eyes followed his body before resting on his Adam's apple, I felt a warm feeling rush through me knocking me back into my senses. Clearing my thought to find my voice again I focused onto his face which was already smirking at me.

'That's me finished organising filing and reading, is there anything else Mr. Hoffman?' I asked politely refusing to fall into his trap.

'Don't call me that, I'm not my Dad,' he said scowling at me before coming towards me and wrapping his arm around my waist and drawing my close, ' Do you want to go for a tour now and then lunch or lunch first?'

' I'm really hungry right now to be honest and meeting new people on an empty belly isn't well recommended,' I said completely ignoring his action. I expected at least this much from him, I was just glad he was very professional in front of everyone else. Nodding his head in acknowledgment, he followed me back to my office so I could get my handbag before leading the way to the elevator. I made sure to distance myself from his wandering hands the moment we left the office because I could only trust him as far as I could throw him.
Alex took me to a lovely little Italian restaurant where everything was written in English.

'You know, I did tell you that there was no need for a bodyguard, no one even recognised me or anything,' I said feeling smug as I spotted the guards nearby.

'How can you say that when you haven't even stepped up it of your office yourself yet, just you wait,' he said to me mockingly before throwing a magazine in front of me.
Frowning, I picked it up before instantly paling at the front cover. It was a picture of me with my arms around his neck with sickly sweet smile on my face. The heading read as Alex's mysterious lady love!The only consolation I could get was that my face was partially obstructed because of the hat I wore.
I flipped through only to see more pictures of our day out yesterday from him holding my waist to our horse carriage ride. I was just thankful that my face wasn't obvious in all the pics.

'Isn't this an invasion of privacy?' I asked still in shock on seeing my face in the magazine.

'Yes but apparently after you make a certain amount, privacy no longer applies to you,' he said nonchalantly as if he wasn't talking about his life.

'That's so sad, I don't think I would ever want that kind of life no matter how much you pay me,' I said disgusted, ' I like my privacy too much.'

'It's not always like that, the more open you are the less they actually care, it's just I've been very private and they had no reason to hound me, at least until you showed up,' he said chuckling before quickly shutting up with a glare.

'You don't think the people at work will recognise me do you?' I asked anxiously. He merely shook his head before shrugging his shoulder.
' not really, your face is mostly covered and you weren't wearing makeup while at work you do so you look like a different person.'

I cinched my brows together inside of I should be great full or severely insulted.

*The books been taken off amazon so thank you for the lovely people who sent me the original link and also thank you to everyone who reported the plagerized story. Lots of love, Penelope xx*

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