Chapter 22

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*Louise's point of view*

What i had originally thought might take me into the early morning ended up taking me the entire morning meaning I didn't get any sleep and was running on caffeine alone. I came to this startling realisation when at five in the morning, Agatha came upstairs planning to surprise me with breakfast only to find me still typing. lets just say she gave me a good berating, but it was all worth it because at least now i can shove it in Alex's face and tell him to stick it.

Well okay, maybe I won't do that but I could damn well feel smug and accomplished.

Quickly consuming the breakfast and jumping in the shower i was finished just in time for the blaring of the drivers horns. quickly double checking i had everything, i ran down the stairs and out to the car where Alex was sitting, appearing to be in an even worse mood than yesterday.

'I do wish you wouldn't oversleep and make us late, Miss Spiers,' he said coldly, not even sparing me a glance. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes narrow as a slow hatred for this Alex started to burn in the pit of my stomach.

'I'll have you know that i spent the rest of the day yesterday and the entire night working on the notes and didn't manage to get any sleep let alone go out for a night on the town,' i said snidely before sniffing in disdain and focusing on the scenery outside, 'And if you were so worried about being late, maybe you could've arrived earlier as I took less than thirty seconds to get in.'

Two could play the game of ice. He was ever so quiet the rest of the car journey and i was silently gloating inside.
We reached the office building for the ridiculously early meeting and I was out and straightening out my skirt before waiting for Alex to exit the car and lead the way, no matter how much I wanted to gloat, I was in another country and didn't know where I was going. I wasn't stupid.

The meeting dragged on, the speakers voice so monotonous, I found myself fighting sleep a few minutes in, mind you however, that could be due to me not getting any sleep last night.
I caught Alex throwing me glances every so often but I completely ignored him and focused on my task of catching everything in English word for word, yet as the meeting dragged on for six hours, I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to go sight seeing today. It wasn't even lunch yet and I could already tell that it was going to take longer than last night, or rather this morning, to translate and comprise the notes into detailed files.

The moment a break was announced, I slipped my feet out of my heels and let my body slouch in relief. I was slowly but surely losing the battle with sleep and the people around me were as interesting as a piece of paper.
Just as I was thinking this, I saw a dark suit stand in front of me. Squinting upwards, I saw the fast becoming familiar face of David smirking down at me.

'Why are you looking so glum princess?,' he asked me as he took the vacant chair beside me,' trouble in paradise?'

'What are you on about?' I asked confused as I turned my body to face him.

'Im talking about the heated looks that you kept freezing like the ice queen im beginning to suspect you secretly are.'

'Oh please, hes probably just thinking of one of his 'special friends' from last night, ' I muttered, just a tad too annoyed to be considered normal.

'Ah, so you think he is cheating on you,' he exclaimed with a mixture of pity and understanding. I felt the urge to slap him so I did. Very lightly on the arm, well okay, maybe not lightly. But it was meant to be.

'That is not even funny, we are not together, so he can't even cheat,' I snapped yet he seemed to be completely at ease, 'Im not really tired.'

'You need to ease up, your just sexually frustrated, I would have  thought that he would have seen that,' he said clearly enjoying his time annoying me, 'but he must be one of the 'just for show' type of guys, a bit like a horse in dressing.'

I couldn't help myself, I let out an unladylike snort before throwing my head back and letting out a full blown laugh.

'You're not an only child are you?' I asked slightly amused at his antics, 'You have the whole annoying little brother routine down pat.'

'Why thank you, it only took me two decades and a half,' he said before quickly switching topics, 'so if it wasn't the mind blowing angry sex that kept you up, why do you look like death chewed up?'

'This is the way I naturally look before concealer,' I deadpanned but when he gave me a look, I sighed and relented,' I didn't sleep. I was trying to finish the work Alex said he needed for today.'

'Wait, but didn't you just say Alex was out last night...,' he trailed off, a look of disbelief overcoming his features, 'Right, tonight I'm taking you on a guided tour around the beautiful city of Paris.'

'Sorry but I can't, as Alex likes to remind me this is not a holiday and I have a ton of work to do,' I apologized only slightly regretful, Alex had tainted paris for me, 'and even if I didn't, I still couldn't as the housekeeper already convinced her godson to take me.'

He opened his mouth as if to say something before closing it and looking behind me smirking.

'I don't believe we have been introduced,' Alex's deep voce said from behind me doing funny things to my inside's.

Turning around, I met Alex's smouldering gaze with a feigned indifference before remembering my lost manners.

'Of course sir, Mr Hoffman meet Mr David...' I began trailing off as I realized I didn't know his second name. Thankfully, he stepped in.

'David Ackleback,' he said stepping forward, his arms outstretched.

Glancing at Alex, I felt the temperature drop several degree's as he narrowed his eyes.

'Ackleback... From A&C ltd?' He asked stiffly.

'Oh, so you've heard of us?' David smirked seemingly unaware of the hostility being radiated towards him.

Suddenly, before I was aware of what was happening, I was dragged behind Alex as he leaned forward saying something to quiet to hear but as I went to listen closer he turned around and grabbing my arms, dragged me away.

Anger ignited like a firework, just what did he think he was doing?
Throwing one last look behind me, I saw David waving slightly looking entirely too pleased with himself.

*READ THIS!!! Hey guys!thank you so much for over 2k reads and over 100 votes, you've made me so happy. As promised you can comment any books you want me to read and review and I'll check it out. I have some bad and good news. Those following me already know that I have broken my laptop so I have not got access to a computer until after I come back from holiday making writing chapters a lot harder as I will have to do it on my phone and it takes a lot longer. I will try and post I promise but I'll keep you updated on where I'm at. Good news is that an amazingly talented reader made me a new cover and its so good so shout out to

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