Chapter 44

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*louises point of view*

The rest of lunch went by in an awkward manner as Alex seemed to be in his own little world and I tried to make sure that there was no cameras around. When we got back to the office, I could finally breath a sigh of relief and swore to myself that I would not go out for lunch with Alex again cause it was just too stressful. If he wanted lunch we'd have it in the office where cameras can't get us.
I was barely able to put my handbag down before Alex got into business mode and whizzed me through the business. For such a big business, it wasn't that hard to manoeuvre around as everything was clearly labelled and I made notes on the important places I would be making frequent visits. However, I was sad to find that I didn't have time to interact with anyone because the moment Alex's shadow was spotted, everyone would go quiet and focus solely on work.

'Do you want a coffee?' I asked him abruptly in order for me to separate myself from him to give me a fighting chance and making friends. He seemed to understand my desperation as he gave me a smirk.

'Sure, I like my coffee with 2 sugars and the colour of galaxy chocolate bar. I'll be in the office waiting, be quick.' He said before turning away and stalking back to his office. Breathing a sigh of relief I turned around to head towards the staff room when I heard a small laugh. Turning around, I found a small Asian female who was grinning at me.

'You look like you've just escaped from hell,' she laughed before introducing herself. 'I'm Bailey, I work in marketing.'

'Yeah, he can be a bit overbearing, my names louise,  I'm Al- his new assistant,' I said catching myself from calling him by his first name. I didn't want to seem to overly familiar to the boss as it was my first day. But it looked like she hadn't even noticed as she just let out another laugh as she followed me to the coffee maker.

'Girl, you ain't seen nothing yet, he's probably going soft on you because it's your first day, you just wait,' she said before calling another girl over, 'Emily! Come here meet the new assistant! Her names louise.'

'Good luck with that mess,' she said as she gave a sympathetic look as if already seeing my ending. Almost instantly my body broke out in a cold sweat. Just how bad at work was Alex to have people warning me, I didn't have a good feeling at all. 'Once you get yourself settled in we can totally take you on a night out to celebrate you.'

'Thanks, I've just recently moved to New York from London so everything is still so new to me and I know no one,' I said great-full to have met potential friends . Before quickly checking the time and finishing the coffee. 'Right I need to go before he loses his top.'

Quickly hurrying to his office, I found him chilling on his chair clearly waiting for me.
'Make any friends?' He asked amusedly as he took the coffee from me.

'Maybe, although I was warned several times about you, care to explain ' I asked amused.

'Don't take it to heart, I'm just tough on people who are lazy and can't do their job properly,' he said offhandedly. I raised my eyebrows at him unconvinced, ' Okay fine, I may have a slight temper. Think of me as the business Gordon Ramsey. I'm angry because I care.'

'So does that mean I'll be left a crying and drained mess after my first week?' I asked slightly anxious as I took out a notebook and pen, 'because if so what do you need me to do straightaway?'

'I'll try harder but don't worry you've already proven your mettle in Paris,' he said before switching to business mode, ' I'll need the rest of the notes from Paris on my desk by the end of tomorrow and I also need to you to organise my timetable for the rest of the week and give it to me by the end of today. Off you go.'

Nodding my head, I heard to my office where the first thing I did was organise his timetable because it was due first before moving onto the nightmare of Paris. Suddenly I was very great full I did a huge chunk from when Alex threw his hissy fit. The afternoon flew by in a rush of french and finger cramps and before I knew it , it was already past 5.

'Are you finished with my timetable ?' Alex asked as he popped his head through the door, a slight frown on his head. I quickly nodded before handing him the book. While he was flicking through and making his own adjustments, I quickly packed up before putting my jacket on.

'Are you not ready to head off yet?' I asked once I noticed he wasn't prepared.

'Yeah give me like 10 minutes, I need to make a call, you can go grab a coffee and I'll come get you, he said absent minded as he scowled at something. Shrugging my shoulders I headed towards the staff room. The floor was relatively empty as everyone was in the midst of packing up and going home.

'You heading home? Do you want a lift?' I heard Bailey ask me from behind. Swirling around I rushed to find an excuse.

'No its fine, thanks for the offer but I literally just called for an Uber,' I said apologetically.

'It's no worries, I should have expected since your in a new country you probably don't have a clue as to how to get around yet haha.' She laughed, 'where do you stay if it's in the same direction as me then we could carpool to save you the hassle.'

I wanted to cry as my worst nightmare was slowly becoming true. Who's this nice to someone they met the same day.
' I don't really know that the areas called or anything I literally just copied the address from the first time but it's not too far away from here, so once I get used to the area I'll probably just end up walking it, you know work on those calf's,' I bluffed awkwardly only to have her send me a weird Stare.

'You must be paying a fortune on rent unless you have a room mate and even then it's still be expensive,' she said as she shook her head sympathetically. I could only nod my head with a sigh as I remembered just how expensive the area around here was before spotting Alex walking towards us. Bailey spotted him at the same time before giving a stiff nod towards him and scurrying away.

'Aww, you scared my new friend away,' I teased jokingly as we walked towards the elevator together.

'Yes well I seem to have that affect on people, what did she want?' He asked smiling at me.

'She was offering to carpool with me but I got out of it which reminds me her and Emily want to take me out one day after work someday-' I said before I was rudely interrupted.

'I'm coming with you ,' he said sternly before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards his car, 'whenever you drink you becoming a flirty little vixen and not gonna happen.'

'Well how the hell am I supposed to explain to them why the boss has decided to tag along, eh sorry guys but my boss doesn't like me talking to other guys so he's come to babysit me,' I said exasperated with his behaviour.

'Okay fine, I won't tag along per say I'll just be there with my own friends,' he said as he looked at me to see if I agreed with his compromise. I reluctantly nodded my head because I knew that he was right about drunken Louise. Stupid Alcohol.

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