Wyatt Duke High School

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"Alison, are you ready?

"Alison, you're gonna be late!"

"You don't want to be late on the first day of school, do you?"

"Ali cat if your ass isn't down here in the next 30 second I'm leaving without you!"


Is it too much to ask for just a few minutes to myself. Damn it's the first day of high school not my wedding. Who gives a fuck if I'm a few minutes late. Being fashionably late is the thing.

Regardless of what I thought, I locked my phone, grabbed my purse and walked down the steps of our new house. That's right, new house, new state, new friends, and all while starting high school! Yay! Not. Don't get me wrong, I'm used to moving around. 10 different schools in 7 years. I've learned to not put too many roots down because they always end up getting pulled out, right when the tree starts to grow.

As I turned the corner I saw my mom standing just inside the foyer, fixing her hair with one hand, and holding her coffee with the other. My mom worked as a surgeon assistant at the Piedmont Atlanta Hospital here in Atlanta, GA.

"Where's daddy?" I asked grabbing a handful of grapes out of the bowl in the kitchen.

"He's meeting us at your school. What are you wearing" My mom asked with a scowl.

I looked down self-consciously. I was wearing a black leather skirt and my favorite black nirvana shirt with bright red sneakers. What's wrong with that?

I ignored her and told her that she looked pretty. My mom always looked pretty. She was black, Puerto Rican and white with such deep dimples that they kinda looked like holes in her cheeks. Everyone said we looked alike, but I didn't see it. She was gorgeous and I paled in comparison.


"Where is your first class?" my dad asked.

"Idk but you guys can leave, I know yall have to get to work and I can find it on my own".

Truthfully I didn't mind if they walked me to my class, but I didn't want them to be late for work because of me. I didn't want to be alone in this big school yet. I was starting Wyatt Duke High School as a freshman taking 9th grade honors and 1 tenth and 2 eleven grade courses. I've heard so many stories about how the upperclassmen would pick on me because I was a freshman. I knew it would be even worse since I was on the same level as most of them.

My parents turned to me and gave me a hug, before slipping me a 10 dollar bill and leaving.

Okay, now I can panic.

This school was huge. It had 7,000 student, 4 floors, and way too many classrooms to count. I looked down at my schedule and smiled. My first class was unspecified. Weird right? I don't know what the subject was just the name of my teacher and the room number.

I started to walk straight and was bumped by a group of girls who started laughing. Bitches.

Because I'm lazy and didn't feel like getting lost I turned and looked around me. To my left were the group of girl, behind me, a teacher stood helping five students, and to my right were a group of guys that were talking and horse playing. The boy in the front was staring at me and talking to the guy beside him.

I've never been a shy person so I walked up to the guys. They quieted and slouched against the lockers behind them.

"Hey I'm Ali, Do yall know where room 113 is?" I said. I addressed the whole group but I was only looking at the guy in the front. Something about him just screamed leader of the pack. He had dirty blonde hair that hung a little long in the front, in a Bieber style, with the prettiest shade of green eyes I've ever seen. He was built like a tank and had to be well over 6 feet. He looked more like a college student then a highschooler.

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