"Alison, let me explain"

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Chapter 5

I walked into his room and froze. Around a coffee table sat Collins, Brandon, Emerson, Matt, Cat's stepdad and 2 of the guys from Tuesday that were talking to him in the hall.

That's not what caused me to almost drop the baby in my hand. On top of the coffee table sat drugs and money.

By drugs I didn't mean weed, I meant heroin, coke, weed, pills, and by money I didn't mean a few hundreds I meant a few thousand.

Collins was the first to react, walking up to me and stepping into my line of vision, as if to block what I had already saw. I tried to peak around him but he blocked me, instead pulling me off to the farthest corner of his room

"Alison let me explain." He said breathless, as if he had just ran a few miles.

"It's nothing to explain, you're into drugs. I can't judge you, because I don't know you well enough to." I said looking down. I felt as if I was on autopilot, saying rehearsed lines without emotion. My crush was into drugs, and by the looks of it, a lot. Did his coach know? Why was his step dad there? What was the money for? Where did it come from? I wanted to ask but I was too busy trying to make sure my sentences made sense.

"Can I tell you a secret princess?" he said wringing his hands together. Although he seemed nervous his eyes never let mine.

"Of course." I said hesitantly shifting my weight to better hold the baby. He reached out and took Jason from me, giving him to Matt instead.

"You gotta promise not to tell a living soul ok."

"I promise."

"I don't do drugs. I sell them."

"You... what?"

I backed away but couldn't go far before he grabbed my wrist.

"Are you ok?"

Time seemed to stand still. He obviously did it to take care of his son. Babies are expensive. Sure he could've gotten a job but that isn't always an option for everyone. I went to sit on his bed. Could I really see myself, hopefully, with someone who sold drugs? I looked up at him, and back to the table. He still hadn't moved. In fact none of the guys had moved. They were all looking from me to Collins. You gotta get over this Ali. If you like someone you have to accept them the way they were. I got up and walked towards the door.

"Yea I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be, silly? Would you like for me to put Jason back down. He was crying so I picked him up but I can put him back to sleep if you want?" I rushed to say, smiling.

He didn't say anything and there was no way that my legs could hold my confused state up any longer so I had to leave. I walked out and returned to the party, as if nothing had happened.


"Wtf is your problem, dumbass. You just told some random bitch that we are drug dealers. She could go to the fucking cops. We could go to jail!" Derrick was the first to speak. I felt like throttling him, but I was still on the fact that I had just told Alison one of my biggest secrets.

I turned slowly to face him. I took my son from matt, and sat back down.

"1. Don't cuss in front of my son. 2. She's not random 3. She's not a bitch and 4. I trust her, so therefore so should you."

"You've known her for what 5 minutes, you're thinking with the head that's not on your shoulders. Derrick's right, we don't know her." My step dad said

"Guys shut up. I panicked. I like her okay, I didn't know what to do so I told her the truth, and she would've figured it out eventually anyway. Just chill the fuck out, I'll talk to her later tonight, after she sobered up and I'll figure it out."

God I hoped I could trust Ali.

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