"How did you know the difference?"

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Chapter 13

*Collins POV*

Alison had taken it better than I thought she was. She wasn't looking at me differently or shying away from me like I would've guessed. Instead we were playing around as I drove to Chloe's house. She still stayed there sometimes, mostly when she knew I was taking care of Jason, or if she had a lot of homework and needed her mom to take care of him.

As I neared the house, I made a shocking realization. A few weeks ago, when Ali walked into my room she knew immediately what the scars were. Not many were showing and to mostly everyone who saw them they looked accidental. How did she know the difference? When I parked I looked over at her she was looking out the window listening to the radio.

I got out of the car wordlessly, and went to the front door. Ms. Towers invited me in but I told her I had someone in the car. She looked past me towards the car. I knew she couldn't see Ali clearly but that didn't stop her from looking at me disapprovingly. I don't know why she kept hoping for Chloe and me to get together. We both told her countless times it wouldn't happen.

"Why isn't he asleep yet?"

"He's antsy. Take him for a ride it'll tire him out. Also I had to give him formula because I didn't know if the bottle that was in the fridge was any good and Chloe wasn't picking up."

"Alright, thank you Ma." Ever since meeting her when Chloe and Cat first starting hanging out she got on me to call her ma. I guess because she couldn't have any other kids and she had always wanted a big family.

"And don't be bringing no random chick around my grandbaby!" she yelled out to me as I got into the car driving away. I loved her, she was always blunt.

We had driven all the way downtown, just to get Jason asleep. While we were driving I had called Chloe. She picked up, breathless, right when I was about to hang up and call again.

"Fuck, what is it Collins?"

"Where the hell are you?"

"None of your damn business! What do you want?"

"I was calling to make sure your dumbass was okay. I hate when you do this shit. Your mother couldn't fucking reach you, I'm just calling to make sure you're not in a fucking ditch." I yelled into the handset. I tried not to cuss in front of Jason but damn I'm just checking on her.

"IM AT EMERSON'S OKAY!" She said. In the back ground I heard a door close and footsteps.

"Why are you there?" I said almost dropping the phone.

"Don't ask questions that you already know the answer to. You're not stupid C. I would be having sex if you would stop calling me." I was shocked into silence for a few seconds. I had seen Emerson looking at her ever since she got pregnant but I didn't think he would go behind my back without at least telling me that he wanted to screw her.

"I'm sorry, okay I care about you, Chlo Bear. I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you." The only time I called her Chlo Bear was when I knew I had majorly fucked up.

"Don't worry, if anything was wrong you would be the first to know. I'm coming home tomorrow okay, can you please refrain from calling me until then." She asked. I could noises behind that she tried her best to muffle.

"Yea ok, umm put Em on the phone."

"Y-Yea" I heard him say. He stuttered, he's nervous

"We need to talk. When you drop Chloe off tomorrow, come in." I hung up before he could respond.

After a few minutes I turned around and drove back to the direction of the house.

"You're an asshole." I heard Ali say under her breath.

"What was that princess?" I asked even though I had heard her

"You didn't have to do that. You could've texted her. Let her live a little. It's probably hard enough having a kid. When it's your time to take care of Jason. Take care of him. Let her go out and do her. If she want to have sex, don't bitch about it. She needs to relax. If she doesn't tell you where she is every minute of the day, so what. She's not your bitch."

I had absolutely nothing to say to that. She was right I did need to let Chloe have fun. It's just that I care about her soo much I don't want her to get taken advantage of. Instead of responding I changed the subject.

"Princess, how did you know they were cut marks on my leg? Every girl I've been with, or everyone who has seen them always assumed they were from an accident or fall or something. How did you know the difference?"

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