The talk

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Chapter 6

It was just after 3am, and everyone had left. As I walked downstairs I looked around to see Ali and Cat wide awake and on their phones. Chloe unfortunately was passed out on the floor. I scooped her up and took her upstairs, to her room.

I removed her dress and shoes and put her into one of my shirts, I took off her makeup and brushed out her hair, careful to not disturb her too much. As I was about to leave she turned over and said "C, Don't fuck this up. I like her. Tell her the truth about everything. Not now, give it some time, but I think she's perfect for you."

"Goodnight baby, I'm on baby duty tonight so get some rest" I said cutting off her light and cracking her door. I checked on my son. I needed to figure out how to approach her. I didn't want to scare her off. I had soo much fucking baggage that I couldn't do a relationship with someone as innocent as her. I would screw her up, just like my dad screwed me up. I decided to get to know her slowly and after I knew if she liked me back, I would tell her the rest. If she still stayed around then I knew we could try something, if not then we couldn't. But first I had to tell her about Taylor and the drugs.

As I walked down the steps I could hear her talking to someone. The way our house set up, you had to walk down the steps, and through the kitchen doors to get to the living room where they were. As long as the kitchen doors were closed I could hear and see them but they couldn't see me. Luckily the doors were shut.

"Ummm Cat do you know what your brother and the guys do?" I heard her say

"What did he tell you?"

"He said that he is a drug dealer. But he didn't have to tell me. I saw the drugs, at first I thought he did them. You know, like he bought them and then they were going do them but the money they were counting, didn't add up. Please don't tell him I told you, I promised I wouldn't but I have to tell someone. I don't know what to do."

"What do you want to do?"

"I like him. Obviously. But idk if I could ever date someone that deals drugs. I mean I know he has to for Jason but idk it's just...." She trailed off. Just what!

"You two need to talk, I can't answer for my brother. But he has a lot of shit that you don't know about." That why I love my sister. She just set the scene for me without telling too much. Now I have to leave and go in there.

"Hey, Cat have you seen the guys?" I asked walking through the doors.

"Emerson and Brandon are in the playroom with Matt. The others left with everyone else. Rick went to sleep." She said getting up to leave. She came up to me and whispered in my ear "Your welcome, now talk to her and don't screw up."

Ali still hadn't looked up. She was playing some game on her phone.

I sat beside her and grabbed the phone out of her hand. She still didn't look at me.

"Do you have any questions for me?" I asked

"No, I get it, I do and I'm not gonna judge you off of what you do. If we are gonna be friends, then I'm just gonna have to get used to what you do and how your life is." She said looking up for the first time and straight into my eyes.

This is easier than I thought it would be.

"Do you want to be more than friends, princess?"

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" she said rolling her eyes.

And here's the hard part.

"Yes but its complicated." She just looked at me confused, so I continued. "We have been together since 7th grade, she was my first and we were always good friends. When shit started to go south at both of our homes we kinda relied on each other intimately. After a while we just started going as boyfriend/girlfriend. Now I don't even like her, let alone love her. I never did, we were together more for comfort than for choice."

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