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jennie wasn't the only one playing though. there were people all over new york who were playing, from teenagers to grown adults.
"so you guys are daring me to eat dog food." the girl smiled. she opened a can of dog food, a plastic spoon in hand.

"oh my gosh are you really about to do this?" her friend asked. she nodded her head. she scooped up some dog food and ate it, immediately gagging.

but she finished it fast, "oh my god."


"alright watchers, we're about to jump this cliff now!"

and there went 4 boys jumping off a cliff into the ocean.


"whoo! lets go ty!" a bunch of girls yelled from their car as they filmed the boy clinging onto the back of a police car.

"what's up watchers?" he yelled.

the police sirens went off and the boy let go.


"oh my gosh money!" jennie squealed as she earned $500. "i have so many watchers, but i need to get into the leaderboard, who's winning?"

"some guy named ryan. apparently he put peanut butter on his junk and let his dog lick it off." mina laughed.

"pfft, i could do that." jennie said. "but you don't have a dog." mina chuckled.

"i could still do it." jennie muttered. "o-or a dick jen." our friend jason added.

"oh! they're coming up with your next dare!" mina squealed. "what is it? i gotta be flashy like the peanut butter thingy." jennie sighed.

me and hoseok sat down with our food in hand, across from jennie, mina, and jason.

"hm, that's weird," mina said as a notification went off. "apparently they know you're afraid of heights."

"what?" jennie asked.

"yeah, they take all your information from your old profiles and put it into your nerve profile." jason said.

jennie laughed, "that is so creepy."

"jen, you just got suspended, i thought you were done playing nerve?" i asked. "hell no! the girl who won in seattle is like insta-famous right now."

i rolled my eyes, "who cares?"

"i care! look vee, i don't expect you to understand. i'm like, an adrenaline junky. you prefer to stay in your comfort zone and that is just fine."

"but that's not true, w-what about that pole dancing class we took?" everyone's attention turned towards us.

"you took a pole dancing class?" hoseok asked.

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