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we rode to the party that everyone was at. we showed up to the apartment building that it was being held at.

i could hear the music playing from the bottom level. "wow, someone's apartment," tony chuckled. "how classy."

i smiled. we walked into the elevator that we had being waiting for the get to floor the party was on.

as we were standing there, i could feel tony's eyes pinned on me. i looked at him, he raised his eyebrows, smirking in the process.

"you want something?" i asked. he turned his body to face me, "maybe."

he grabbed onto my hips, pulling me closer. i rubbed my lips together nervously, the anticipation of what was coming next making me yearn for his touch.

he pressed his lips to mine, they molded together perfectly as i opened my mouth and kissed him back. i clenched onto his shirt tightly, making his grip on me tighten too.

he pushed me up against the elevator wall as he deepened the kiss. i moaned slightly as he began to kiss my neck.

the elevator door dinged and we both quickly stopped our make out session. we smiled to ourselves as we walked into the hallway and to the apartment the party was in.

we knocked on the door, someone immediately answered it.

people began to clap for us as they saw us. we walked in, people surrounding us, congratulating us. i couldn't help but smile, tony wrapped his arm around me as we walked through the crowd of people.

"we love you guys!"

"you guys are fucking amazing!"

they even began to take photos of us.

"vee, you're fucking incredible!" some people from my school even said.

i looked around and spotted hoseok, i waved to him and smiled. a head nod was his response.

"oh my god vee!" i heard mina's voice beam through the crowd. she wrapped her arms around me and tony, "you guys are like so famous right now." she laughed.

"mm just wait till jen sees you." jason added. "where is she anyways?" i asked. "oh, you guys don't know?" mina asked.

"know what?" she scoffed and grabbed my wrist, leading me to a room. i saw a ladder laid out, one end reaching the building across from us.

"she tried to walk across that ladder and she just, bailed." mina sighed. "so, she's out of the game?" i asked. jason nodded his head, "come on, let's go get drinks." mina said.

i stayed behind and looked at the ladder, god that must've been terrible for her.

i had to find her quick to make sure she was okay. "hey have you guys seen jennie?" i asked people. they pointed towards more rooms that were in the apartment.

a boy with a varsity jacket was standing outside the room, "hey is jennie in there?" i asked. "u-uh yeah.."

i opened the door and froze.

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