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he started up the motorcycle and we were off. we rode all the way to the city, i did have to admit, i was having a little fun.

i felt kind of scared to be on a motorcycle, i didn't know if tony could tell though. he probably could judging by the fact on how my arms were wrapped around his torso, holding onto him tightly.

"you okay back there?" he asked loudly. i chuckled, "i'm good."

the cold air was hitting my face as we rode fast. i felt a little adrenaline kick im whenever he started to speed up.

soon we stopped, stopping at, what seemed like, an expensive store. i held onto his shoulders as i made my way off his bike, "um, am i supposed to come in with you?" i asked.

he looked at his phone, "it doesn't say anything about that," his attention turned back to me. "are you gonna be okay?"

"um, yeah, i'm kind of tired so i think i'll just make my way back home from here." he smiled sweetly at me. he had such a beautiful smile.

his phone kept going off, he looked at it again, "well, i gotta go," he said. "nice meeting you vee." i gave him a smile before he walked across the street into the expensive store.

my phone buzzed in my pocket, i took it out, another dare popping up.



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jesus. never in my life would i ever wear a dress like that. but for 500 bucks it wasn't so bad right?

i turned around to the store that tony had gone into, sighing as i made my way across the street, into the store.

it was semi-quiet. people were busy shopping, these people looked really rich too, i felt so poor walking in with jeans, dirty black vans, and a crewneck. i was surrounded by designer bags and expensive perfume.

i walked up to the counter, a man dressed in a nice suit saying goodbye to a lady, "um excuse me?" i said. his eyes turned to me, looking me up and down. can i die now?

"i'm sorry to bother you but um, do you know where i can find this dress?" i showed him the photo and he looked like he was trying to hide a smile, "that's very expensive," he started. i looked down in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks turning red. "couture, fourth floor."

"thank you." i smiled. and i quickly ran to the fourth floor after realizing i had 2 minutes to find the dress and get it on.

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