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"okay, you ready?" i asked. he nodded his head. he put his head outside of the curtains to check if anyone was coming, "coast is clear." he said.

that's when we walked out of the dressing room, naked. we were only left in our underwear, and let me tell you, i was liking what i was seeing.

we quickly tip-toed through the floor we were on, avoiding everyone that was walking by without being seen.

once we got to the elevator, tony quickly started pressing the button, we stood against the doors to hide.

the doors eventually opened and we ran inside, tony pressing the buttons again to close the door.

we stood against the walls of the elevator, i looked at him from the corner of my eye, i could feel him doing the same. i tried covering with my hair in embarrassment.

the elevator door make a ding sound. the doors opened revealing a couple, they looked at us in shock and confusion. i felt my cheeks turn red. i tucked my lips inwards, tony grabbed my wrist and we started running.

we both began to record running through the store. we were both gaining views, followers, and likes within seconds. i even noticed some watchers recording us as we ran.

we were turning people's heads, me and tony were just laughing our asses off. we got to the last floor eventually, coming across a security guard who tried to grab us, tony quickly ducked from his grip, he nearly missed me, "sorry!" i yelled.

we exited the store, watchers had been waiting for us, they began cheering us on as we kept running. we ran across the street to tony's bike, cars honking at us. there was a bag sitting on top of his bike.

i reached inside the bag and pulled out the dress i had been wearing, "are these stolen?" i asked. he reached inside the bag, "receipt." he said pulling out the piece of paper from the bag.

"but how-"

"the watchers probably paid for us with daddy's credit card." he chuckled.

i put on the dress, tony zipping it up for me in the back.

my phone buzzed in my hand:


i smiled wide, laughing out of excitement, i needed this money. it was going to benefit me and my mom by getting me into cal arts. "feels good to get money huh?" he asked. i nodded my head. he turned his phone to me,
"st. marks, 10 minutes?" he asked. i looked at him and sighed.

"let's go."

hoseok's pov
i left the diner a couple minutes vee left. i signed up to be a watcher, to see what she was doing, i didn't like it one bit.

my phone began to ring,

"hey jen." i said.

"hoseok, what does vee think she's doing?" she asked.

"look i have no idea jen, why are you asking me? i'm not her boyfriend."

she scoffed, "okay well who's this biker dude she's teamed up with?"

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