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Tyler woke up to a loud beep from outside his house. Immediately and without missing a beat; he got up from his bed, looking outside.

Taco and Jasper waved from inside the car, but there seemed to be someone else in the backseat.

T opened up the window frame, shouting.

"The fuck y'all doing?!"

"Nigga it's your birthday! I told you we was gonna celebrate early! Get down!" Jasper replied.

Tyler sighed.

"Fuck, aight! Wait let me put on some pants!"

He looked at himself in the mirror, unsure of what would go well with the button up shirt he was wearing. He reached over and grabbed some white shorts off the second drawer.

Whatever Tyler wore, he made sure the color coordination was peak. Whether he realized it or not, subconsciously, he wanted to people to notice him.

He ran outside, opening the back door before he stopped in his tracks.

"Who's this?" he asked, cautiously getting inside.

"Oh shit, that's Wyatt. From the show a couple months ago," Taco spoke.

Tyler gathered his thoughts for a moment, searching for a familiar face. He quickly realized who he was.

"You filmed me that night right?" Tyler asked him.

Wyatt smiled, nodding.

He had a camera around his neck.
There was something mysterious about him; maybe the fact he wasn't loud or obnoxious. He wasn't trying to show off because T was there—he was just him.

He hadn't crossed Tyler's mind much since that night.

"You asked me to model for Golfwang that night."

Wyatt's sudden response quickly caught T's attention.

"Oh shit, I remember. You just had a look about you–,"

"I'm hungry as fuck! Where we going to eat first?" Jasper cut him off.

Taco turned up the music as Clipse began to play.

"Happy birthday, by the way," Wyatt shouted a little louder over the music.

Tyler smiled.


"I can't believe you listen to them too!" Tyler smiled, completely enamored with the idea that he had finally found someone he could talk to about music all day.

"I love their second album. It's so well done," Wyatt took a sip of his orange juice.

"Nah, like seriously. The arrangements in track number 3—the chords are just," Tyler rolled his eyes back in satisfaction, there were no words to describe his love of chords.

"Y'all talking about chords still? Nigga don't you get tired of yappin' about that all day?" Jasper laughed, interrupting their moment once again.

"You niggas don't even like what I like. This is special to me," Tyler said in defense, while they all started laughing.

After their late brunch they met up with more friends at Taco's place. Tyler felt annoyed at the fact that Taco had invited so many useless people he didn't care about. He didn't care much for birthday parties, instead he usually did small get togethers with friends.

"Hey man, happy birthday!" Luka greeted him as he walked in.

Other people T had no recollection of approached him and tried making small talk with him.

"Look man, I don't even know you. So I'm gonna go get some food."

The boy was left red-faced, but surely it wasn't surprising the way Tyler had reacted. It was who he was.

Luckily, he was able to find Earl and a few other friends he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Shit, you niggas actually came!" Tyler smiled, surprised that they showed up.

"It's your birthday we talking about nigga, we love you like that—pause. But for real, you look healthy and shit," Vince replied.

"I'm surprised Earl made it out the house. Nigga you need to get out more," Tyler told Earl in a sarcastic, but still reassuring manner.

"You lucky I even made an appearance, niggas really pay me to be at these functions," Earl joked.

They caught up for a while before Vince started talking about some long ass story T had no interest in. His eyes wandered around the room before they landed on Wyatt. His bleached blonde curls were easy to spot even from all the way across the room.

"Aye I'll see y'all later though," Tyler interrupted Vince as he walked past the crowd, there was only one person that was remotely interesting to him at this stupid party, and it was Wyatt.

"Wanna go outside?" Tyler crashed Wyatt's conversation with some girl. It was as if Wyatt had no choice but to go with him; T was overpowering.

"What's up?" he asked T as they got to the backyard patio. It was a lot quieter, although you could still hear the music blaring.

"I hate this stupid party," Tyler sat on one of the beanbags, Wyatt joining him.

"That's why you called me out here? to vent?" Wyatt smiled lightly.

"I don't even know half these people. And Taco's music taste is trash. The sun's about to set though."

Tyler looked out, it was such a pretty view.

"How come you never got back to me? with the golfwang stuff? I thought I made it clear that I wanted you to model," Tyler cut the silence.

"I don't know. I just wasn't looking for anything at the time."

"I like that."

"Like what?"

"That you know what you want."
Tyler turned to look at him. The pink and purple skies bounced off his hair, and he noticed all the little subtleties he hadn't noticed before.

T took his eyes off of him as soon as he realized he'd been staring too long.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now