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Tyler looked through Wyatt's instagram again, the most recent picture of him looking joyous.

The second one was a picture of him with Morgan, again, this time his hands wrapped around her waist.

It made Tyler's blood boil, he wished Wyatt never met her. Tyler wanted Wyatt all to himself. It was selfish, but he knew she had nothing to offer Wyatt. She was nothing compared to him.

Tyler needed Wyatt to see that.


"Cheese pizza?"

Tyler looked up from his phone, nodding at the waiter.

"Why you so quiet today?" Taco asked, noticing Tyler's mannerisms.

"Woke up tired again."

"Whatever. Jasper said he couldn't make it but Wyatt will. I think I see him."

Tyler looked up from his plate, he was with her.

"Fuck, that bitch again."

"Damn nigga! you hate her that much?" Taco laughed.

But it was no joking matter to Tyler.

Wyatt walked in, smiling and laughing about something she said.

"You guys eating without me already?" Wyatt smiled.

Tyler smiled slightly, unamused.

"Sup Morgan." Taco waved.


"I'm Taco. That's Tyler..." Taco corrected, his face showing an irritated look.

Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, we're gonna get something to eat," Wyatt walked over to the line with her.

"Damn, you were right. She a bitch," Taco raised a brow.

"Told you. She shouldn't even be hanging around Wyatt."

"By the way, there's a Death Grips show tonight that I'm going to with some friends. You down?"

"Nigga! Like those Odd Future shows we used to do with the big ass mosh pits? I'm so down. I need to get shit out my system." Tyler took a bite of his pizza as he eyed Wyatt.

"Damn, those shows used to go fucking crazy. I miss that shit."

Just then, Wyatt came up to them.

"We're gonna go sit at a table outside. I'll uh, I'll see you," he looked at Tyler.

"Your girlfriend don't wanna sit with us?" Tyler mocked.

"You know it's not like that."

"I mean you look her bitch bruh. Fuck her and come sit with us," Taco pulled a chair.

"Wyatt. The pizza's gonna get cold," Morgan called on Wyatt, annoyance in her voice.

"I gotta go."

Taco and Tyler sighed.

As they finished eating, Tyler was able to watch them from inside.

Her hand grazed his, a smirk playing upon Wyatt's face.

Tyler crushed the soda can in his hand, throwing it in the trash.


It was 8 pm, Taco and T made it to the long-awaited Death Grips show. It was a bunch of metal heads covered in tattoos that for sure didn't recognize Tyler. It was a completely different world. For once T could just forget about everything and just be; at least he hoped. Every time Wyatt came across his mind he felt himself get hot, angry even.

Hard metal drums began to filter throughout the stage; everyone getting ready for the show.

The loud instruments got Tyler's blood pumping, everyone beginning to jump to the beat of the performance.

As the middle of the song reached its climax, the mosh pit began to open.

The bass dropped, people going crazy as they pushed and shoved each other through the loud and blaring music. Tyler did too, jumping like crazy as he yelled along to the barely audible lyrics. He was able to punch and kick a bunch of people, Taco laughing as he watched his friend's stress dissolve into the pit.

It went on like this for every song the band played, Tyler sweating like crazy. He kicked and shoved, jumping and punching whoever was in his way. It was the final song. The lights blared in and out as the show began to end.


"Fuck, I feel so fucking pumped. That was so fucking tight dude," Tyler and Taco left the venue.

"I told you. You really fucking needed that nigga."

"Aight, I gotta be somewhere so I'll text you. You sure you don't want a ride?" Tyler asked again.

"Nah, I'm meeting up with some people around the block."

They said goodbyes as Tyler rode off.

He got to the third light, but instead of making a right, he stayed left.

T made his way into Wyatt's neighborhood, passing by his house as he realized the lights were still on.

He was pumped from the show, he wanted to see Wyatt bad. It was his fix; his addiction, an obsession that wasn't at all healthy.

Tyler got out, knocking before taking a step back.

"I need to talk to you."

Tyler made his way into Wyatt's with authority.

"Tyler, it's 11 pm."

"Hear me out," Tyler paced the room, throwing his keys on the couch, "what if I help you get rid of her? What if we make up this master plan to fuck her over and you'll never have to see her again. Fuck, I was thinking we could scare her off or something. You know Jasper has all these fake but real looking ass guns—,"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Tyler got in front of Wyatt.

"She's not good for you. She gets to see you more than I do. Wyatt, I don't wanna fucking share anymore."

"You sound fucking crazy."

"She's the only thing standing in the way of us–,"

"Tyler, you don't get it," he sighed, sitting on the couch.

"Don't get what?"

"I'm still figuring out what I want. I don't wanna mess anything up. It's confusing right now."

Tyler grabbed the back of Wyatt's neck, pulling him in for a kiss. T pulled back, thinking that it might've been a mistake to kiss him again, but instead, Wyatt kept a tight hold on his neck.

A few more second before Wyatt pulled back.

He watched Tyler's expression soften.

"Just let me figure this out," Wyatt spoke.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now