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A fast week and a half flew by, and luckily for Tyler, it was packed with meetings, shows, and random friend parties.
Wyatt would occasionally slip through his mind, but he didn't think about him for too long.

Every time Tyler would begin to craft a text for Wyatt, he deleted it, not wanting to seem too obsessive—even though there was a hint of that too.

It was Friday afternoon, and his phone buzzed.

"Turn that shit down! I can't hear him!" Tyler shouted at his friends blasting a basketball game.


"Yeah, how are you? I haven't heard from you in a while you fucking creep," Tyler laughed.

"I'm good. You doing anything later tonight?" Frank's voice was like melted butter through the phone.

"Uh, not really. Why? Oh shit are you in LA!?"

Every one in the living room looked over at T, wondering who he was talking to.

"Yeah, this guy I'm seeing is throwing me a party before I leave to New York again tomorrow. I been wanting to see you and the rest of them niggas. You wanna come?"

"Duh! I'll let these these dumbasses know. Text me the address," there was excitement in T's voice.

"For sure, can't wait to see y'all!"


"Who the fuck was that?" Lionel asked.

"Frank! He's back. That nigga invited us to this party tonight—we going."

"Oh shit, haven't seen Frank since...damn nigga, since last year?" Taco thought.

Just then, a text buzzed his phone with the awaited address.


"Oh shit, this the place?"

"I think so," Tyler parked on the empty curb a few walks away from the house. Probably a rented out airbnb. Nonetheless, it was nice.

They got out of the car, making their way through the door. It was packed with people he didn't know. But he was eager to see his close friend again.

"Aye, we're gonna go get something to drink." Taco nudged T.

"I'm gonna go find Frank," Tyler spoke over the loud music.

He began to walk through a dim hallway, squeezing through people. Suddenly, he made eye contact with a dark haired boy that passed by him, their shoulders rubbing, perhaps intentionally. Tyler kept walking ahead, turning around momentarily to catch another glimpse of him.

The mysterious boy did too, a small smile forming on his lips before they both turned and continued on.

Finally, he found Frank outside; a drink in his hand as he talked to few people.

"Tyler!?" Frank noticed him, greeting him as he pulled him into a hug.

"Hey, It's been so fucking long. You look healthy," Tyler smiled.

"I'm telling you! you need to go live in New York for a while. It'll change you."

"Fuck that. The airs' all smoggy, there's like no sunlight and it's too many buildings—,"

"Right? That's what I've been telling Frank. He needs to move back to L.A," A boy with a pink buzz cut approached them.

"Oh, I'm Evan by the way. Frank's um, friend?" He looked over at Frank, they both smirked before watching Tyler catch the hint.

"Oh! You're the nigga he's been talking about. You set this party up?" Tyler asked.

He nodded.

They talked for a little more, catching up before Frank spoke.

"Looks like you got an admirer," Frank eyed the same boy T had seen standing by the door as he talked to a friend. T turned, biting the inside of his cheek.

Tyler brushed it off, but decided to catch a break and look for the mysterious boy.

He turned around but he was no longer there. He made his way back inside; the music and dim lighting made it hard to see where he was going.

Tyler felt someone grab his arm harshly and pull him into the dark room. There was a candle lit on top of the dresser. It was the boy he had made contact with a couple minutes ago.

"They know me by Leo. You're Tyler right?" The boy had a thick European accent, which made him even more attractive in Tyler's eyes.

"You know me?" T asked, watching the boy's every move.

"Who doesn't?"

Tyler smiled a little.

"I saw you watching me when you came in. I just thought I'd take a chance," Leo walked closer over to him.

"I guess I made it too obvious."

The boy took Tyler's face in his hands, kissing him as gentle as ever. Tyler pushed the door behind him closed, locking it in case anyone was to find out.

"Those are beautiful," Leo traced Tyler's chains through his button up shirt. He had the first few buttons undone, letting them be seen.

"I got this one made in Italy."

"Oh really?"

"Mmhm. Where's your accent from?"

"I'm from Portugal. I moved to London a few years ago. I love the LA scene, though. There's so much..." he searched for the words.

"Creativity?" Tyler finished, intrigued by his accent.


Tyler pulled him again, they could feel each other's smile through their kiss. The boy pushed T lightly on the bed, beginning to feel him through his shorts as they kissed.

Slowly, Leo unbuttoned T's shorts, kneeling as Tyler watched in astonishment. This wasn't exactly how he pictured the night going.

"Fuck," Tyler cursed as Leo sucked him off.

T's thoughts soon began to drift, thinking of being with Wyatt instead. The thoughts persisted, as he was about to climax he cursed harder, taking hold of the boy's curls.

"Shit Wyatt," T came, opening his eyes as he realized what he'd said.

He got up immediately, fixing himself up.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry, I—I have to go."

Tyler left, unsure of himself and the way his thoughts persisted on Wyatt.

He looked for his friends, the music agitating him.

"We're leaving." T spoke over the loud music.

"Nigga we just getting started!" Jasper laughed as he took another shot.

Fuck, it was no use, they were already drunk.

Tyler sighed, itching to go.

"I'm gonna leave, I feel sick," He shouted over the music. They shook their heads, brushing off what he said before Tyler took off.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now