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Tyler kept his gaze on Wyatt as the instrumental for 'I THINK' continued. His eyes shifted towards the crowd, then back at the camera that Wyatt pointed at him.

It was his favorite part.

Wyatt kept his camera at him, smiling as Tyler exploded with more dance moves.

Soon, the show was over, and Tyler left the stage. He could hear the crowd chanting his name outside.

The first thing he did was take off the wig and suit jacket. Tyler met up with Jasper in the back, grabbing a water bottle as he threw himself on the couch.

"Fuck, that show was insane," He caught his breath.

"Shit was way better than yesterday's show," Jasper kept his gaze on the nintendo switch, paying little mind to T.

"Nigga, where's Wyatt?" Tyler noticed he wasn't anywhere. Usually Wyatt would get ready to show Tyler the footage he had taken.

Jasper shrugged.

He got up from the couch, looking towards the back end of the venue, a door which led to where his car was parked.

He opened it, Wyatt on the phone; his back was turned to T.

Tyler closed the door slightly, being able to still hear the conversation.

"It was a good show. The crowd was crazy, you should've seen it. Anyway what're you doing tomorrow?...mhmm...oh really? say hi to them for me...yeah, we're going tomorrow. I'll try to get you some souvenirs...okay, I'll text you later. Love you."

Tyler shut the door as Wyatt hung up.

T quickly made his way back to the lounge area, aware that Wyatt was talking to his girlfriend. He sighed. He hated catching Wyatt talk to her. There wasn't anything he could do about it though.

Wyatt knew, and he always tried to call her or text her when Tyler wasn't around.

"Hey," Wyatt walked in, sitting across from Tyler and Jasper.

"Good show huh?" T smiled.

"I got crazy footage too," Wyatt began to rewind the film camera, coming over to T as he showed him the tape.

They laughed about it, commenting on how cool the lighting looked and how the lights reflected off of Tyler's suit just right.

They talked for a while more before Tyler got up. Suddenly, he felt out of breath. He took a puff of his inhaler.

"Imma get some air."

They nodded.
He began to make his way towards the back, where Wyatt last was.

He shut the door behind him as he sat on the edge on the stair, the moon was shining just as bright.

Tyler began to remember the time before he announced the Igor Tour, it was something he kept going back to.


*Pre-Igor Tour Flashback

Tyler and Wyatt didn't talk since Frank's party. For Tyler, it was definitely over. He could sense it when Wyatt said they'd always be friends. He said it just to make him feel better.

The reality was that neither of them even bothered to reach out after that.

Months passed, and Wyatt would regularly show up in T's mind.

Luckily, the Igor album was about to come out, and it was being received incredibly well by the friends he showed. Some wondered who it could be about.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now