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Tyler told him where to stand, what pose to try, and how to look. However, it wasn't hard; Wyatt was perfect to him.

"Should I try holding a prop?" Wyatt asked, running out of different poses.

"Uh, nah. You look good."

Tyler raised the camera again, taking more shots of him. Wyatt secretly felt nervous; but he wasn't one to show much emotion. If anything, Tyler had butterflies whenever he'd come near him.

They tried on a couple more outfits before everyone began to say goodbye and leave.
It was only supposed to be an hour session—It had already been two.

"Yo, we have to leave now," Lionel looked up from his phone.

"For what?" Tyler was too busy looking through the photos.

"The Jellies, nigga we have a meeting with adult swim for the next season."

"You go. Just tell them I couldn't make it."

Tyler fixed up Wyatt's jacket, walking back and placing the camera up to his face again.

Lionel sighed.

"I'm just saying. This the second meeting you miss nigga."

He left.

"You sure you don't wanna go to that?" Wyatt asked again.

"Nah, he could handle that. Plus you don't have a ride home so–,"

"I'll just get the bus or something."

"It's cool. Just pick up that prop and shut up," Tyler laughed. He didn't want to make a big deal out of it.


They closed up the studio, Tyler and Wyatt making their way to his car.

"Your place?" T spoke, an awkward silence arose.

"Mhmm. Unless you got stuff to do–,"

"Nah, I'll take you home."

The drive was slow, and the sun was beginning to set as Wyatt connected his phone to the aux cord in T's car.

Every song was perfect, and Tyler wished this moment would last forever.

As the light turned red, Tyler looked over at him. He noticed his necklace in the sunlight.

"What does that say?" T reached over, taking a hold of the gold necklace in his fingers.

"It's my mom's initials. We're close."

Tyler nodded, realizing he was close to his mother too, another similarity they shared.

Tyler's hand brushed slightly over his neck–wanting to pull him in. They were so deep into the moment he hadn't realized all the honking that was going on around him.

"Oh shit! Fuck!" he cursed, stepping on the gas before he missed the green light.

Wyatt looked down, unsure of what might've happened.

Tyler went around the corner, finally arriving at Wyatt's.

"Those photos are gonna come out so sick," Tyler smiled, looking to just converse. It didn't matter what—he just wanted to talk.

"I know. I'm excited."

Tyler looked down at Wyatt's lips, noticing how pink they were.

Wyatt watched him; he was aware.

Tyler pulled himself in hesitantly, hoping Wyatt would follow, and he did.

Soon, Tyler's lips landed on Wyatt's, and the kiss was something Tyler could only dream about.

T pulled away slightly, only to go back in for a little more.

Wyatt pulled back, looking down in uncertainty.

"That's not me," Wyatt spoke.

"We don't have to talk about it."

"It's never been with another guy." Wyatt felt panicked.

"I haven't either."

Wyatt turned to face him, unsure about what these butterflies in his stomach meant.

"I feel like I'm running out of time," Tyler breathed, leaning back into the car seat.

"For what?"

"Fuck, I don't know. Scratch that."

"Now you have to tell me." Wyatt smiled a little.

"I feel like I'm running out of time to make you like me. Wyatt, I really fucking like you. I don't know what the fuck it means either. It's been eating me up and I just wanna be around you like, all the fucking time. It's whatever if you don't feel the same. I just wanted you to know."

Wyatt bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes watching Tyler's fingers fiddle with the steering wheel.

"I need to just figure out what the fuck this is first, you know?"

Tyler nodded. There wasn't much to say.


T got out of the shower before he realized he'd gotten a text.

i can't stop thinking about what happened.

Tyler sighed.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now