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Tyler woke up in a sweat, panting as he realized it was only a nightmare. They were rare for him, but happened when he was incredibly stressed.

He avoided thinking about Frank's party, wanting to erase the memory.

He wanted to talk to somebody about what he was feeling, and Frank was the only one that kept coming to mind. He was way more mature than his own friends, he'd surely understand. Anyway, he didn't get to say goodbye to him at the party.

T picked up his phone, looking for Frank's contact.

He picked up after a couple rings.


"Hey, It's Tyler. You boarding the plane yet?"

"Nah, I'm still waiting. They delayed my shit for another hour. Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah. I couldn't go back to sleep. Sorry I left so early last night, I didn't even get to say bye," Tyler traced the tattoos on his thigh as he talked.

"Nah, It's cool. I figured you got sick of the music or something," Frank chuckled.

"Actually, It wasn't even that. I uh, I kinda hooked up with someone."

There was silence at the other end before Frank spoke.

"Leo. Was it him?"

"The fuck? how'd you know?" Tyler laughed, surprised.

"He was eyeing you all night. Plus he's your type."

"After we did...I tripped out and I left. Has that ever happened to you? I started to freak out because I said someone else's name when I fucking came. Then it got awkward. Fuck, I keep replaying that in my mind." Tyler laid back down on the bed.

Frank realized at that moment that Tyler was searching for advice, he was being serious. He wanted someone to speak to.

"Who's name did you say?"

Tyler wondered if he should tell him.

"Uh, Wyatt."

"Oh fuck, that kid you've been hanging out with? he's got you like this?"

"Frank, I'm serious. Like, I've never felt like this over someone. It's fucked."

"I know. Just don't force anything. If he's straight it's not gonna work out. Not long term. It's not easy but you have to ease off him, T. I've been there."

Tyler sighed.

"I'm trying."

They talked for a while more before Frank had to go. Tyler was grateful he was able to get it all off his chest.

He'd been talking for so long that he didn't realize he had missed some texts from him.

going to coffee shop. meet me here in 15? need to talk.

Tyler got anxious, replying as he quickly got dressed. Fuck, he thought about what it could be.


He got to the coffee shop and quickly found Wyatt siting near the back. He wore a hoodie over his head, his leg bouncing up and down.

"Hey," Tyler took a seat, biting his lip.

"I wanted to see you. It's been like, two weeks?" Wyatt asked.

"Something like that."

Then, a familiar face interrupted them.

"Wyatt, me and Emily are gonna sit outside okay?" She smiled before completely ignoring Tyler.

Tyler scrunched his brows, confused.

"You invited me to breakfast first. Why the fuck is she here?" Tyler asked, annoyed.

"Just hear me out," Wyatt couldn't bear make eye contact, "I was thinking a lot about what happened..." he sighed.

"Take this fucking hoodie off," Tyler pulled his hood back, revealing Wyatt's curls—his favorite part. "Why do you keep hiding your face from me? just make your mind up already. I'm sick of waiting. Is it her or me?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's hard. To get the words out." Wyatt fidgeted with his phone.

Tyler licked his lips. He knew.

"I can't keep doing this. Whatever this is. I'm–I'm taking it slow with Morgan. We've been dating for a few days now. I just, I wanted you to know."

Tyler felt his stomach sink; but he couldn't help but know that it was going to end this way. He was angry that Wyatt had led him on for so long.

"Whatever. I fucking tried, Wyatt. You have me by my fucking neck at this point. And now you wanna shoot me down? Whatever. I'm done too."

"T, wait–,"

Tyler didn't. He left. He couldn't stand seeing him and not be able to have him. Even though he said he was done, Tyler knew that if ever Wyatt came back to him, there was a chance T would fall at his feet.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now